. >> i have to say i really just love akilah's story. since her opeeraraon, she was able to regain the confidence that she needed to attaned her senior prom, take pictures, and celebrate like a normal teenager, and now i hear she is actually a student at penn state university. dr. jones: yes. she is doing really wewl and i know that her father is extremely proud of her. cathleen: well thanks to you. we've learned so much on how you treat your patients who suffer from keloids. and your patients we have met- cynthia, veronica, joseph and akilah-are obviously just a few of the many successtories, from patients treated at lexiton plastic surgeons. or someone you know has a keloid and is bothered by it, concerned about it, you no longer have to suffer from silence or shame. there's no need to feel the reluctance or apprehensions about havingit surgically removed. as we have learned here today during our show, lexington plastic surgeons now offers a new and innovative treatment for keloids that can prevent them from coming back. and whether yo