the nobel prize for chemistry to a tame of 3 scientists john goodenough stanley wishing him and akira your she. developed lithium ion batteries the committee says the battery is a lightweight and can be used in devices from mobile phones to laptops and electric vehicles. well joining me now to dissect all of that for the unscientific of us like me is derrick williams from our scientific desk derek tell us a bit more about these batteries well the trees are a fairly simple idea they've been they've been around in one form or another since the 1900 centuries you have a positive everybody knows to more or less how they work you have a positive pole and you have a negative pole and you connect those 2 with the bridge and electrons flow from the positive pole to the negative old voila you have electricity now the thing about lithium what special about lithium is that it's a particular material that is both able to give up an electron very easily and it's happy to accept one back and so it's kind of the perfect material to use in a battery that where you want to charge and recharge over and over