. >> reporter: 28-year-old akita hodge is a working mom. five years ago she started a two-year program at maryland's montgomery college but had to quit because she just didn't have the money. >> and how much will i owe, how will i pay it back? how do i do this? and it's like should i be here? >> reporter: those questions wouldn't have come up if the program proposed by president obama had been in place. >> two years of college will become as free and universal as high school is today. >> reporter: to qualify on -- for free tuition, on average, $3,800 a year students of any age would have to go to school at least half-time, keep a c-plus average and make steady progress toward their degree. the federal government would pick up three-quarters of the tab, states would have to pay the rest. the white house says this program will help as many as 9 million students go to colleges like this one. but at $60 billion over ten years with no details yet on where the money's coming from, it's a tough sell to congress. a spokesman for house speaker john