i was consulting for akon on a different artist and i was watching youtube videos of that artist tellinghem what i thought of it. they were singing aretha frank was "respect." -- aretha franklin's "respect." in related videos, there was a kid in the distance and it was a little tiny thing and i thought it was the same person. i clicked on the 12-year-old kid. >> so it was an accident? >> yes and then i watched another video and another video. then i saw him singing neyo's "so sick." when i saw this little canadian kid with so much soul, i knew there was something there. >> you were the first belieber. you flew his mom and him to live next-door to you. >> they were canadian. i brought them here illegally and hid them here illegally. i put them up in a townhouse under my name. >> you pay the bills. >> yeah, and i got a tutor and they became my family. it has been a rough year for me watching him because i care about him. you don't want to see him going through stuff. but to see him coming out on the other end of that right now and knowing the plans for next year and the fact that, you know