naumenko spent on the big stage in his repertoire there were more than 6 songs, there are healthy aksami zorko venus many others on march 29, 1900 vladimir korzh sablin, one of the founders of belarusian cinematography , people's artist of the bssr and the ussr, was born in moscow . and this predetermined the life path of the future actor and director after the war, he worked in the theaters of simferopol melitopol kazan as a creative pseudonym used the name of his grandfather in belarus korzh sablin. he met yuri tarich, who invited him to his assistants at the shooting of the first national feature film forest true story, vladimir released the first sound film of belarusian cinema the first platoon from him began a strong friendship and creative collaboration between the director and composer isaak dunayevsky, one of vladimir's cinematic successes korsablin became a film about the first steps of soviet diplomacy in the international arena, moscow gena, who received an award at the all-union film festival and the state prize bes of the ussr on march 29, 1966. elena atroshkevich was born. composer fo