hello and welcome to the friends twenty four interview our guest today is supper akshar try these a day she's in that ring in activist she's the author of a book that was just published here in france i'll tralate the title deeds of freedom is not a crime it's written with the remote. corner it's published by. and in its your account you're a journey from an upper middle class. woman living in tehran to an activist against- he job- the islamic veil which is mandatory. in iran obviously- you were arrested and then you were sentenced to two years. in prison however before the verdict was handed down you decided to secretly fleet iran through turkey and you now live in exile in canada. i just have a very simple question how does one go from being an upper middle class women to an activist against. the i islamic veil. i'm i was just so fed upp withth- living this dououble lia living lie and pretend everything is okakay for many years- v. fair refaced why less people are facing wireless because of compulsory job and the other thing is i need to add led box and women's movement in west of the