i mean by al chow, her 17 years old at the time, completed an apprenticeship in vienna. we're vetoed, selection comes into for ended, settles in session and alleged from your lot born my father, the under wolf moves you over here here for by the albert booked. this is our loan hughes on johnson lamp wood on dish cynthia, florida. mm hm. and father them, but the other people would be by the city just to go and fight the nozzle on that side. then you seeing us of us artificial as well as well and that's i thought was punish maricopa basil outcome all ah. and almost 2 decades have passed since the abduction. the tragedy has not been forgotten. ah, the senate investigative report, the rest had explained parts of the ca, abduction program. they never apologized a last semester. don't you know the other hand, not only paid 60000 euros and compensation in 2018. the small country formerly apologized. ah, germany, close the case in 2009 there to you. the committee of inquiry present at its conclusion. 3 years after 2 begun, it's for ah ah ah ah ah ah. with that cold air still sit