. -- al dente. obama looks like he is loyal to the old lady. i actually have grown fond of hillary over the years. i sometimes look at barack and he is a little soft core me. i look at hillary and i think bill should have protected some of that on to the terrorists. we know she has been cheated on more frequently than a blind woman playing scrabble with gypsies, so she is always a cranky. [laughter] i was trying to segue in. tavis: i was in a conversation the other day. i am curious we have taken on this. i was curious on the fact that whether obama is an african american has cost canadians in any way, shape, or form to act up a little. >> i disagree with the white house, though. [laughter] i do not know that. comedians -- it is their business. the beginning is to make fun of the people in power. he is the cat in power. he seems like a nice guy. he is cool. i dig the image for our country. i was teasing earlier about the war thing, but he surprised me on his war stance. he reinvigorated the battle to some degree, the use of drums. there is a lo