. >> yes,al fred johnston, united airlines, triple seven pilot on the a.t.s. committee. you mentioned the reduced training footprint that we pilots have been encounters in the last few years. the training programs seem to be getting shorter and shorter. what effect has this had on pilot proficiency and morale. >> nog matter what property you're on, you cang tell the] stress that's on our pilots. it'sa an anecdotal observation, no doubt, but when companies are focused more on shortening a footprint and not determining the importance of individual training events, in other words, trying to accomplish the same amount oef training in shorter periods of time, it's an incredible amount of stress on our pilots.c that's why our training committees, e.a.p. programs, professional standards are absolutely critical now to help our pilots get through these types of issues. however, we as the representative body need to challenge our regulators, our companies, as well. therea are places where we can train withu shorter footprints, no doubt about it. the analysis of the tasks t