i got one. [ imitating al pacino ] let me introduce you to my little friend stacy.ive-time presidential candidate, what staunch critic of corporations has been labeled a spoiler, a gadfly, and a saint? ralph nader? ralph nader. we'll go with it. ralph nader. ralph nader is correct, and you're up to 200 bucks! well done. you're two for two. with the scientific name mimus polyglottos, what songbird is famous for imitating the cries of other birds? mockingbird? mockingbird? i think. okay. mockingbird? mockingbird. mockingbird is right, and you're up to $300. excellent. all right, you're three for three. you've got 300 bucks, no strikes, still have both of your shout-outs. we have 23 blocks to go. here's your final $100 question. okay. in a failed attempt to lure vegetarians, mcdonald's once tested a hula burger featuring what tropical fruit? pineapple. pineapple. pineapple. pineapple is right, and you're four for four. you're up to 400 bucks. well done. we're the smart girls now. i'm telling you. all right. that's it for the $100s. because it's a cash cab double ride,