this action was done in response to israel's encroachments on al-aqsa mosque and sheikh al-jarrah neighborhood in quds city, as well as the invitation of the city residents to attack the al-aqsa mosque. against what is called as the proposal of the mediators for a ceasefire, we say clearly and openly that we we had prepared a huge missile attack that would hit palestine from the farthest area in the north to the farthest area in the south. it covered and targeted enemy positions from haifa in the north to raman airport in the south . however , we gave a positive response to the arab protests within the framework of the ceasefire and suspended this missile battle. listen to this carefully. in this threatening message, abu obeidah, the spokesman of the qassam battalions, drew the last chapter of the holy sword . the missile attack that ezzeddin qassam's battalions had threatened to carry out. income suspended. 362 missiles were ready. until at one time to be qassam had designated about 14 cities and towns as the targets of these missiles, including tliav, esghlan, ashtod, benursba, haifa, eilat,