adam: alaa saad called a friend who worked at the port. re?" they mentioned initially that there is some kind of a warehouse containing paints, that it was going on fire. adam: the nearest fire crew was based just a few hundred meters from the port. cctv captured the moment they were alerted to the emergency at 5:54 p.m. adam: the crew included three men from the same family, charbel karam, his brother-in-law and his wife's cousin, who was just 22 years old. as the crew left, charbel karam called his wife at home. adam: the church bells rang at 6 p.m. from his penthouse terrace, agoston nemeth was filming as the fire took hold. agoston nemeth: i saw directly that there is a building in flames. i left my phone outside to film it. adam: nearby, lina khalil and her husband imad spent most afternoons on their balcony overlooking the port. on this day, from the 11th floor, they livestreamed their view of the growing fire. adam: at 6:04 p.m., lina filmed the arrival of the fire truck and the ambulance. the crews came in blind to a locked warehous