teachers like miss alaho should be honored and they should be supported because they are the ones who are going to strengthen our community. >> you need to wrap up, sir. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> briefly. >> susan solomen executive vice president of united educators of san francisco the concerns that i have of the non-elections there are 33, that is about what it usually is a little bit higher, but among these 33 non-reelection, 14 of them are special education teachers. and 8 of them are from elementary schools. 7 from elementary and one from a k-8 school. it is a hard to staff position as we know there is additional money because it is hard to staff. my question would be are the teachers who are being hired into special education really getting the support that they need in order to be successful and more importantly for the students to be successful. thank you. >> thank you. so we will move on now to item g. the consent calendar. may i hear a motion, please? >> moved,. >> second. >> there are any items withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent? >> no. are there any items rem