there you go, alaina. >> just a quick question. the dow is down only slightly. 62 poibts.we're still below the key benchmark of 11,000. how important is it to close above 11,000. >> you know, i don't know how much we're really watching the level as much as the headlines that come out. you think about morgan stanley yesterday, it's note saying the u.s. and europe are getting dangerously close to a recession. it's headlines like that, that grab more attention than that psychological benchmark of 11,000. even though of course, investors would love to see the dow pop above that 11,000 mark. >> alison kosik from the floor of the new york stock exchange. thank you very much. >>> investors are jittery over europe's debt crisis and the future of our own economy. all of this a major punch in the gut to many of us. 401(k)'s, retirement, investment, jobs. let's get down to it. how do you ride this volatile market to safety? earlier i spoke with financial expert valerie coleman morris for some answersment. >> being active in a good way is what i suggest and that does not mean go and s