at the drink machine, you will find alameda soda.hey are not trying to be a healthy drink, just a better version of a classic. making soda starts like science in a lab. there's probably 20 something ingredients on the back. okay? and plus more ingredients that they don't have to list. sky pace used to work for one of the big soda companies, but he didn't like using all those ingredients. i wanted to make the soda as clean and easy as possible. anthony sloan also worked for one of the big soda companies before sky approached him about his idea. i thought, you're crazy. i mean, like, why would you start a soda company? you're going up a coke and pepsi? no one ever does that. it just doesn't work. but it did work because alameda soda is different. now that we have it, 100% natural flavors and pure cane sugar, you can really taste the difference. the way that sugar hits your taste buds. it doesn't coat it the way corn sirup does. customers agree they drink it and they said, oh, you know what this reminds me of when i went to a baseball g