this alameda whitstake, which is a threatened species, i'm pleased to say that the environmental compliance group is outstanding, so i just want to commend all the people, the great people of the work of the construction workers, of the construction management team, of the people who obtained the permit, and maintain the permits have really done outstanding work. and then, lastly, i just want to touch on the regional groundwater storage and recovery project. as you know, the phase one wells have been installed, and we're working out some issues currently, but we're getting ready to start operational testing once we have a california division of drinking water permit. for phase two, there's two test wells that have been installed to help evaluate the viability of potential -- potential we wills for future -- wells for future groundwater supplies, and there's a third we will that nay go forward this year. with that, i'm happy to answer any questions. >> colleagues? yes. >> with calaveras, we have some additional instream flow requirements. >> yeah. when do they take effect? >> so -- well, go