given that fact, what was goldman sachs' involvement in the cogentrix project in alamosa, colorado? >> congressman kucinich, to answer that question, i think you have to understand how we structured this project. we structured this project at cogentrix like we would any other project financing for the construction of a power project. >> what was their involvement? >> so the involvement at goldman sachs really was derivative to the whole process. if i could just explain. first, we at the cogentrix level, the operating level, we would have to go out and secure and negotiate a power purchase agreement with an off-taker, a utility in this case, for the purchase of the power. the next thing we would do would be to select an equipment provider, and a construction manager. and then, and only then, would we go out and try to find the financing package that would make this project viable. >> so what was goldman sachs' involvement? >> so goldman sachs provided equity capital to cogentrix to make $116 million of commitments to this project. we are in fact the project leading financier. >> than