May 21, 2024
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alan: empezamos?si llegaba con su marido pero como la vena de camino sola. chef: brilla por su ausencia ben affleck. alan: cabe destacar que jlo llevaba el anillo de bodas, se le vio sonriente, se habÍa hermosa pero sin Él. jomari: para los mal pensados como yo, se supone que Él estaba grabando la pelÍcula que estÁn haciendo, se supone que estÁ grabando la pelÍcula. alan: no te puedes dar una escapadita? jomari: te das escapadita para estar con tu mujer? alan: si fuera la premier de su pelÍcula? claro que si. jomari: tampoco fue al met gala. ella era la anfitriona. alan: por quÉ no fuiste ben? francisca: puede ser que lo hagan para sonar. jomari: ayer viendo comentan el que estÁ sin maquillaje todo y te lo juro que me dio lÁstima por ella porque siento que ella estÁ como finalmente buscando su autenticidad y Él estÁ y le dice a ella que debe ser mÁs segura, pero juro, nunca la habÍa visto a ella asÍ. Él cuenta que cuando cuando volvieron por segunda vez que le quiso exigir a ella que no querÍa saber n
alan: empezamos?si llegaba con su marido pero como la vena de camino sola. chef: brilla por su ausencia ben affleck. alan: cabe destacar que jlo llevaba el anillo de bodas, se le vio sonriente, se habÍa hermosa pero sin Él. jomari: para los mal pensados como yo, se supone que Él estaba grabando la pelÍcula que estÁn haciendo, se supone que estÁ grabando la pelÍcula. alan: no te puedes dar una escapadita? jomari: te das escapadita para estar con tu mujer? alan: si fuera la premier de su...
May 15, 2024
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alan: ahÍ estÁ la cÁmara. [risas] alan: ahÍ estÁ la cÁmara.rano queremos que disfrutes. tenemos gangasanddeals. aquÍ estÁ mÓnica. nos va a decir todos los especiales que tienes. mÓnica: el cÓdigo estÁ en pantalla. voy arrancar con estos leggins. 64% de descuento. me gusta la textura que tiene. tiene cintura elÁstica. son perfectos para caminar, correr, hacer yoga. viene en talle pequeÑa y grande. tiene detalle en la parte de atrÁs. esto hace que la cola siempre se vea mÁs levantada. son tres en este paquete. normalmente cuesta $70. hoy hoy llevamos 3 24. 99. vengan para aquÍ conmigo. es muy rico hacer el cafÉ. esta cafetera tiene 50% de descuento. funciona con cualquier tipo de hornilla. vas a poder hacer tu fabuloso expreso. funciona con gas hasta seis tazas. tiene un diseÑo rÚstico. normalmente cuesta $50. 50% de descuento. tan sÓlo 24. 99. francisca: para colar ese cafÉ rico y sabroso. muy bien. quÉ lindo. mÓnica: siempre las pongo en mi pecho. miren este corazÓn. tiene rubÍ y zafiro blanco de laboratorio. cuenta con 20 zafiro blanco rodead
alan: ahÍ estÁ la cÁmara. [risas] alan: ahÍ estÁ la cÁmara.rano queremos que disfrutes. tenemos gangasanddeals. aquÍ estÁ mÓnica. nos va a decir todos los especiales que tienes. mÓnica: el cÓdigo estÁ en pantalla. voy arrancar con estos leggins. 64% de descuento. me gusta la textura que tiene. tiene cintura elÁstica. son perfectos para caminar, correr, hacer yoga. viene en talle pequeÑa y grande. tiene detalle en la parte de atrÁs. esto hace que la cola siempre se vea mÁs...
May 6, 2024
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alan: la met gala.la. satcha sÉ que estÁs preparada con las noticias. satcha: no puedo esperar para ver ese vestido lleno de flores. gracias por esta delatÓ y nos enlazamos contigo en instantes. quiero que sepan que esta maÑana se conocen detalles de el lamentable fallecimiento de un niÑo de cinco aÑos en texas. la corriente arrastra el auto en el que viajaba junto a dos adultos, todos intentan salir pero el pequeÑo no sobrevive. en vivo elyangelica gonzÁlez tiene nueve formaciÓn de estas inundaciones catastrÓficas que golpean al estado texano, y nos dice la nueva amenaza que se avecina. elyangelica: aunque ya no hay pronÓstico de lluvia cebras en texas, parece que lo peor no ha pasado. y es justo cuando una familia llora la muerte de un niÑo. son catastrÓficas las inundaciones en texas que se tornaron mortales al sur de fort worth. la policÍa del condado johnson informÓ que dos adultos y un niÑo de cinco aÑos estaban en un vehÍculo y fueron sorprendidos o la rÁpida crecida del agua, los tres trataron d
alan: la met gala.la. satcha sÉ que estÁs preparada con las noticias. satcha: no puedo esperar para ver ese vestido lleno de flores. gracias por esta delatÓ y nos enlazamos contigo en instantes. quiero que sepan que esta maÑana se conocen detalles de el lamentable fallecimiento de un niÑo de cinco aÑos en texas. la corriente arrastra el auto en el que viajaba junto a dos adultos, todos intentan salir pero el pequeÑo no sobrevive. en vivo elyangelica gonzÁlez tiene nueve formaciÓn de...
May 8, 2024
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alan: mis respetos. [aplausos] alan: es que ya estÁ en otro nivel. a la vez] satcha: estÁ buenÍsimo. jesÚs: el dedo Índice lo tienes un poco torcido pero estÁ bien. jomari: sabes que se nos tuerce este dedo de aguantar el telÉfono? cuidado con atacarme a mi. [hablan a la vez] [risas] jessica: yo tambiÉn, mira. [risas] [hablan a la vez] karla: este me gusta mÁs. raÚl: este te lo regalo ti para que hagas rosas en tu casa. satcha: yo dije que era para la mamÁ ocupada pero no, papÁs tienen tiempo para hacer los regalos, pueden utilizar papel, con las manos de todos los hijos. karla: esta fue la que mÁs me gustÓ. ve quÉ bonita quedÓ. jomari: de la regalo con esta rosa asÍ. [risas] satcha: quÉ creativo! [hablan a la vez] satcha: esa idea estÁ bonita. karla:[canta] raÚl:lucero estrena esta noche su mÁs esperada historia en pantalla, en univisiÓn " el gallo de oro ". y aquÍ nos revela el gran reto que enfrentan sus grabaciones. jessica: un camiÓn se estrella contra un paso elevado y lo tendremos mÁs adelante, mientras tanto la mano de jomari aquÍ estÁ. [mÚsi
alan: mis respetos. [aplausos] alan: es que ya estÁ en otro nivel. a la vez] satcha: estÁ buenÍsimo. jesÚs: el dedo Índice lo tienes un poco torcido pero estÁ bien. jomari: sabes que se nos tuerce este dedo de aguantar el telÉfono? cuidado con atacarme a mi. [hablan a la vez] [risas] jessica: yo tambiÉn, mira. [risas] [hablan a la vez] karla: este me gusta mÁs. raÚl: este te lo regalo ti para que hagas rosas en tu casa. satcha: yo dije que era para la mamÁ ocupada pero no, papÁs...
May 24, 2024
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alan: quÉ creen?cubre cómo con nuestra calculadora de ahorros. además, obtén el samsung galaxy s24 por cuenta nuestra. los tiempos cambian, pero la barra de belleza dove es eterna. dove tiene 1/4 de crema humectante. ♪♪ la barra de belleza dove siempre ha sido mi favorita. y la descubrí y ahora no la suelto. ♪♪ ¿cansada de que se te rompa el pelo después de esperar años a que crezca? nuevo pantené infinite lengths con biotina y colágeno... repara cada pulgada igual que la marca líder de lujo, sin costar $60. el que sabe, sabe. ¡es pantene! ya sea que la llames abuelita, nana, o abu - abuela sabe que algo dulce hace que cualquier comida sea especial. así que ven a mcdonald's y date un gusto con el grandma mcflurry hoy. ♪ baa da ba ba ba ♪ traemos los productos mas francisca: hoy en gangasanddeals te traemos a ustedes los productos mÁs vendidos. aprovechen. estÁn los precios por el piso para ponerlo mÁs fÁcil. mi querida mÓnica va hablar de eso. estamos con Ánimo de viernes. saltando, bailando. cuÉntame
alan: quÉ creen?cubre cómo con nuestra calculadora de ahorros. además, obtén el samsung galaxy s24 por cuenta nuestra. los tiempos cambian, pero la barra de belleza dove es eterna. dove tiene 1/4 de crema humectante. ♪♪ la barra de belleza dove siempre ha sido mi favorita. y la descubrí y ahora no la suelto. ♪♪ ¿cansada de que se te rompa el pelo después de esperar años a que crezca? nuevo pantené infinite lengths con biotina y colágeno... repara cada pulgada igual que la...
May 22, 2024
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alan: Ándale. 12 aÑos.michael jackson. presentador: llegÓ la hora de despierta amÉrica. vamos hasta jackson. deslÍzate. les tenemos lo mejor y que prometen hacernos la vida mÁs fÁcil. que usar ciertos popotes para que no te arrugas, este es el que tienes que usar. satcha: todos los dÍas tomo en eso—— karla: me hubieran dicho eso hace 40 aÑos atrÁs. francisca: tiene lÓgica. alan: entonces no podrÍas ni hablar. bueno, no van a creer esto. maravilloso e insÓlito. si introduces un objeto o tus dedos en el agua con canela tu dedo sale seco. miren eso. la canelas una sustancia, yo estudiÉ ciencias de la canela, que no absorbe aguas. este truco lo tenemos que probar. alan: pero eso serÁ otro dÍa! raÚl:tu eres "caneloologo". eres supersticioso? satcha: yo nada. francisca: yo ex. me mudÉ, las experiencias, la vida. karla: yo soy cero supersticiosa, puedo pasar por debajo de una escalera, abrirse un paraguas, cero. raÚl: quiero compartir desde las supersticiones contra nuestras acciones? de esto no se salva ni los fa
alan: Ándale. 12 aÑos.michael jackson. presentador: llegÓ la hora de despierta amÉrica. vamos hasta jackson. deslÍzate. les tenemos lo mejor y que prometen hacernos la vida mÁs fÁcil. que usar ciertos popotes para que no te arrugas, este es el que tienes que usar. satcha: todos los dÍas tomo en eso—— karla: me hubieran dicho eso hace 40 aÑos atrÁs. francisca: tiene lÓgica. alan: entonces no podrÍas ni hablar. bueno, no van a creer esto. maravilloso e insÓlito. si introduces un...
May 20, 2024
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alan: fallaron veinte.biÉn vas a trabajar en la champions. lindsay: pep es de lo mejor que existe a nivel de director tÉcnico nunca se habÍa logrado esta hazaÑa cuatro veces campeones en la premier league no ha habido equipo en la historia de esta liga que le hubiese podido lograr. alan: donde ha estado ha sido una hazaÑa. lindsay: dejÓ caer una bombita que probablemente se vaya de manchester city despuÉs este aÑo. alan: esta sorpresa de indiana pacers ganando a los knicks. lindsay: consiguieron la victoria asÍ sobre los knicks de nueva york el domingo y aseguraron su pase a la final de conferencia. lo de los knicks de nueva york pecho frÍo ¿no? anthony edwards se repuso y los timberwolves de minnesota se recuperaron en la segunda mitad para eliminar los campeones. alan: habrÁ nuevo campeÓn boston celtics. lindsay: se los comieron como pollitos. alan: vÁmonos porque p diddy pide disculpas en el vÍdeo donde se golpean a su novia. mostramos lo que dijo. lindsay: cÓmo puede resolver tus penas de amor y entende
alan: fallaron veinte.biÉn vas a trabajar en la champions. lindsay: pep es de lo mejor que existe a nivel de director tÉcnico nunca se habÍa logrado esta hazaÑa cuatro veces campeones en la premier league no ha habido equipo en la historia de esta liga que le hubiese podido lograr. alan: donde ha estado ha sido una hazaÑa. lindsay: dejÓ caer una bombita que probablemente se vaya de manchester city despuÉs este aÑo. alan: esta sorpresa de indiana pacers ganando a los knicks. lindsay:...
May 1, 2024
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alan: siempre que pedir ayuda.ca. el pachuca derrotÓ al amÉrica para avanzar despuÉs de que alan tacher diera su predicciÓn y espera al ganador entre columbus crew y monterrey. lindsay: las Águilas del amÉrica pueden... alan: es que luego se puso el pachuca arriba y el amÉrica con un gol. lindsay: henry martin tuvo una clarÍsima era mÁs difÍcil fallarla. vamos a la nba filadelfia se salvÓ de la eliminaciÓn al anotar siete puntos para terminar con 46 unidades. alan: estaba sting en nueva york. lindsay: por su parte bloqueÓ una bandeja en los Últimos segundos y los cavaliers superaran 104 a 103 al magic de orlando. otros que se mantuvieran tambiÉn en los playoffs 115 a noventa y dos a los pcers de indiana. alan: yo pensÉ que iban a perder y mira que me dices de la fÓrmula uno. lindsay: hamilton sorprendiÓ este martes a dÍas de que se corre gran premio de miami. allan: yo estarÉ en las vegas. yisus: estarÍa y el sÁbado disfrutando de la clasificaciÓn. lindsay: se dieron con todo esta deberÍa alan: todos contra todos.
alan: siempre que pedir ayuda.ca. el pachuca derrotÓ al amÉrica para avanzar despuÉs de que alan tacher diera su predicciÓn y espera al ganador entre columbus crew y monterrey. lindsay: las Águilas del amÉrica pueden... alan: es que luego se puso el pachuca arriba y el amÉrica con un gol. lindsay: henry martin tuvo una clarÍsima era mÁs difÍcil fallarla. vamos a la nba filadelfia se salvÓ de la eliminaciÓn al anotar siete puntos para terminar con 46 unidades. alan: estaba sting en...
May 23, 2024
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alan: platÍcame.es otra vez el sonido? chef: le metemos el billete? >> tÚ tienes que venir con tu tetero. alan: mÁs adelante tenemos lo que pasÓ cuando la preguntaron a jennifer lÓpez o los rumores de su supuesta separaciÓn con ben affleck. lindsay: alejandro chabÁn entrevista a maripili. alan: no son miles, son trillones, mire eso que se toman gran parte del paÍs. te diremos lo que estÁ pasando para que estÉs alerta de estos orgullosos insectos. chef: quÉdate con "despierta amÉrica". ♪ ♪ raÚl: gracias por continuar en "despierta amÉrica". nos visita la cantautora y actriz venezolana para hablarnos de su proyecto como cineasta, se llama valiente, una melodÍa de amor propio. buenos dÍas. >> gracias por recibirme, esto muy felices de presentarles no solamente valiente, tambiÉn que hoy sale la mÚsica, el tema tambiÉn de valiente y para mi es un orgullo y un honor poder estar con ustedes. raÚl: este es un lanzamiento de un poderoso testimonio de amor propio, por quÉ? la salud mental en tu vida. >> fundame
alan: platÍcame.es otra vez el sonido? chef: le metemos el billete? >> tÚ tienes que venir con tu tetero. alan: mÁs adelante tenemos lo que pasÓ cuando la preguntaron a jennifer lÓpez o los rumores de su supuesta separaciÓn con ben affleck. lindsay: alejandro chabÁn entrevista a maripili. alan: no son miles, son trillones, mire eso que se toman gran parte del paÍs. te diremos lo que estÁ pasando para que estÉs alerta de estos orgullosos insectos. chef: quÉdate con...
May 10, 2024
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alan: el que mÁs quieres. >> tambiÉn. alan: yo?iciando el embarque... longitud y volumen sin límites. próximo destino pestañas que lucen más largas. ♪♪ gracias por volar con sky high. schwarzkopf atrévete a ser rubia con keratin blonde de schwarzkopf. aclara hasta 9 tonos y protege tu cabello con nuestro exclusivo sistema de bond enforcing. ♪♪ ♪♪ ¡hoy con la compra de cualquier footlong en el app., puedes llevarte uno gratis! como el titan turkey, bien apilado con pavo recién rebanado. ey steph, ¿y para tu hermano? tranquilo, que para eso es el footlong gratis. ¡ordena el tuyo hoy! prepárate para ver cómo se siente disfrutar más con menos asma. con dupixent, es posible. dupixent no es para problemas respiratorios repentinos. es un tratamiento complementario para tipos específicos de asma moderada a grave que ayuda a mejorar la función pulmonar para respirar mejor, en apenas dos semanas. ayuda a prevenir ataques de asma... incluso puede reducir o eliminar los esteroides orales. ¿estás listo? dupixent puede causar reacciones alérgica
alan: el que mÁs quieres. >> tambiÉn. alan: yo?iciando el embarque... longitud y volumen sin límites. próximo destino pestañas que lucen más largas. ♪♪ gracias por volar con sky high. schwarzkopf atrévete a ser rubia con keratin blonde de schwarzkopf. aclara hasta 9 tonos y protege tu cabello con nuestro exclusivo sistema de bond enforcing. ♪♪ ♪♪ ¡hoy con la compra de cualquier footlong en el app., puedes llevarte uno gratis! como el titan turkey, bien apilado con pavo...
May 16, 2024
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alan: el costo?es y por eso 4 de cada cinco numÉricos suicidios son hombres. entonces es importante que este movimiento, es simplemente un vehÍculo para apoyar a esta causa, esta camaraderÍa desearÍan la moto con amigos y todo el rollo, bien vestido, y sales a un desfile para que la gente se tome fotos, y es bÁsicamente para atraer atenciÓn este problema tan grande que sufrimos los hombres de lo que es la salud mental. alan: uno tiene que tomar terapia, uno piensa que es invencible como bien dices y hay que pedir ayuda, no? jaime: la terapia es lo mÁximo. aprender a perdonar a mi padre, por algunas cosas, que no eran mis ideales o lo que sea, y poco a poco, la terapia es increÍble, hay que pedir ayuda. para la mujer es como un poco mÁs fÁcil porque tiene las amigas, a la mamÁ, pero los hombres pensamos que si pedimos ayuda vamos a ser dÉbiles o menos hombres. no tenemos que redefinir la masculinidad, y definirla y empezar desde cero sin el patriarcado que tenemos de dÉcadas atrÁs. si pueden ir a la p
alan: el costo?es y por eso 4 de cada cinco numÉricos suicidios son hombres. entonces es importante que este movimiento, es simplemente un vehÍculo para apoyar a esta causa, esta camaraderÍa desearÍan la moto con amigos y todo el rollo, bien vestido, y sales a un desfile para que la gente se tome fotos, y es bÁsicamente para atraer atenciÓn este problema tan grande que sufrimos los hombres de lo que es la salud mental. alan: uno tiene que tomar terapia, uno piensa que es invencible como...
May 17, 2024
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alan: pobrecita. que de sa compilÓ la mejor manera las prÓximas presentaciones que tiene agendas como profesional que es esta no es la primera es jesse: asÍ nos meses tuvo que ser oxÍgeno. esperemos que sea la Última. francisca: es mucho pero lo hizo con mucha responsabilidad. alan: andrÉs tovar el esposo de maite perroni, ventila un millonario desfalco. entÉrate quÉ dice del dinero de rbd y se alcanzarÁn a cobrar sus ganancias a de toda la gira. francisca: cerramos la semana con broche de oro, un panel de famosos revela lo que ellos hacen para combatir el miedo. jesse: se acerca el verano y tambiÉn las altas temperaturas pero no te preocupes porque hoy en lo mÁs te traigo los gates mÁsi cool para refrescarse. alan: tu dÍas comienzan con alegrÍa, la informaciÓn que necesitas. francisca: y la mejor energÍa. ♪ este internet no es sólo rápido. este internet es rapidez como nunca viste. ahora con el doble de velocidad por el mismo precio. solo $19.99 al mes. es el internet más rápido. rapidez a la velocid
alan: pobrecita. que de sa compilÓ la mejor manera las prÓximas presentaciones que tiene agendas como profesional que es esta no es la primera es jesse: asÍ nos meses tuvo que ser oxÍgeno. esperemos que sea la Última. francisca: es mucho pero lo hizo con mucha responsabilidad. alan: andrÉs tovar el esposo de maite perroni, ventila un millonario desfalco. entÉrate quÉ dice del dinero de rbd y se alcanzarÁn a cobrar sus ganancias a de toda la gira. francisca: cerramos la semana con...
May 23, 2024
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alan _ few years to come. we will keep a close eye on that. alan smith, - few years to come.ll keep a i close eye on that. alan smith, good to talk to you, the snp mp. we are following events at the post office inquiry. it is day two at the inquiry. yesterday was a difficult day to watch and she broke down on a number of occasions when answering questions about what she knew and didn't know when she took thatjob related to the prosecution of sub—postmasters related to that faulty technology that was involved in that horizon it system. it meant a number were imprisoned and one took his own life as a result of those mismatches in the numbers. the numbers that were shown up by the it system. let's listen to some more of that evidence. that might give an intention of something that was that more planned that might have been an occasional example. . that might have been an occasional examle. ., ., ~' that might have been an occasional examle. ., ., ~ ., that might have been an occasional examle. ., ~ that might have been an occasional examle. . ~ ,�*, example. , look at mr davies'
alan _ few years to come. we will keep a close eye on that. alan smith, - few years to come.ll keep a i close eye on that. alan smith, good to talk to you, the snp mp. we are following events at the post office inquiry. it is day two at the inquiry. yesterday was a difficult day to watch and she broke down on a number of occasions when answering questions about what she knew and didn't know when she took thatjob related to the prosecution of sub—postmasters related to that faulty technology...
May 7, 2024
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alan: saludo a otro tambiÉn.nada, que sÓlo amigos pero dime quÉ hacemos cuando me pides mimos.♪ ♪ bienes con tu aire convencerme, puedo caer como me dueles, como me tienes, ojalÁ que tengas plan b por si esto fracasa.♪ ♪ porque yo fui lo mejor que casi te pasa, cuidado que cualquiera de amor se disfraza.♪ ♪ dices que quien no hay nada, que sÓlo amigos pero dime quÉ hacemos cuando me pide es mimos.♪ ♪ vienes con tu aire de convencerme, puedo caer como me dueles, como me tienes.♪ ♪ puede ser que mi balanza me mienta pero yo creo que te di mÁs de la cuenta, lo nuestro no fue 50 y 50.♪ ♪ ♪ dices que aquÍ no hay nada, que sÓlo amigos ppero dime quÉ hacemos cuando me pides mimos.♪ ♪ vienes con tu aire de convencerme, vuelvo a caer, como me duele, como me tienes.♪ quiero que me quite tu cara de la cabeza, mis sueÑos no aguantan tenerte tan cerca y si algo pudiera cambiar de mi vida, con toda mi fuerza desearÍa y que nunca me vera besado en la esquina de tu apartamento, eso fue un amÉn tiram una mentira, que no me querÍa
alan: saludo a otro tambiÉn.nada, que sÓlo amigos pero dime quÉ hacemos cuando me pides mimos.♪ ♪ bienes con tu aire convencerme, puedo caer como me dueles, como me tienes, ojalÁ que tengas plan b por si esto fracasa.♪ ♪ porque yo fui lo mejor que casi te pasa, cuidado que cualquiera de amor se disfraza.♪ ♪ dices que quien no hay nada, que sÓlo amigos pero dime quÉ hacemos cuando me pide es mimos.♪ ♪ vienes con tu aire de convencerme, puedo caer como me dueles, como me...
May 13, 2024
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i will turn to alan first.ow important other processes commended i will turn to ambassador fick on how we are engaging on those. alan: the growth of the internet itself is a time -- is a testimony to the power of these stakeholder models. people of good faith from diverse communities coming together in the spirit of solving problems, harlem's of common interest -- hard problems are common interest. and these models are bringing together the expertise of the private sector, academia, technologists, civil society, to solve the hard problems society faces full time that is the linchpin of the government process, part of what made the internet so successful, because it lends itself to making hard decisions and building infrastructure in the face of rapid technological change. you can look at the internet and said that whether it is the standards bodies, the organization that manages domain names and numbers, across we have had these organizations that have been critical to our success and to creating this internet
i will turn to alan first.ow important other processes commended i will turn to ambassador fick on how we are engaging on those. alan: the growth of the internet itself is a time -- is a testimony to the power of these stakeholder models. people of good faith from diverse communities coming together in the spirit of solving problems, harlem's of common interest -- hard problems are common interest. and these models are bringing together the expertise of the private sector, academia,...
May 14, 2024
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alan: candentes preguntas. chef: el taco mÁs grande to new york. alan: cuÁnto mide?s vestido de novia, un desfile por la gran manzana. alan: tambiÉn entrevista a ryan reynolds, que le estemos de la pelÍcula que pudiese ser y lograr con mi michela, no se lo puede perder. chef: serÁ una maÑana divina. raÚl: regresamos con ustedes a la casa. alan: nos estamos divirtiendo aquÍ. satcha: el cumplido para todas, un beso grande para los de chicos. nos quedamos en la gran manzana porque por segundo dÍa consecutivo el ex abogado donald trump sube al estado tras revelar que comprÓ el silencio de mujeres para evitar que sus historias daÑara la campaÑa del entonces candidato republicano, ademÁs michael cohen asegura que falsificar registros para encubrir los pagos stormy daniels. y en vivo desde la zafra de la corte en el bajo manhattan, rolman vergara tiene reacciones de donald trump y un adelanto de lo que ocurre hoy. buenos dÍas rolman. rolman: gracias, buenos dÍas. michael cohen fue directo a la yugular polÍtica de donald trump en el dÍa de ayer, diciÉndole al jurado que pagÓ
alan: candentes preguntas. chef: el taco mÁs grande to new york. alan: cuÁnto mide?s vestido de novia, un desfile por la gran manzana. alan: tambiÉn entrevista a ryan reynolds, que le estemos de la pelÍcula que pudiese ser y lograr con mi michela, no se lo puede perder. chef: serÁ una maÑana divina. raÚl: regresamos con ustedes a la casa. alan: nos estamos divirtiendo aquÍ. satcha: el cumplido para todas, un beso grande para los de chicos. nos quedamos en la gran manzana porque por...
May 14, 2024
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alan: you don't wait for it.that the companies waiting in the area, the benefits of that technology will show up sooner rather than later. i definitely think that we are just beginning and that this will unfold over a long amount of time. it is not going away in the short term. it's a long-term play. i think you can understand how people are using this tool and what impact they expect to have, monitor it and see if it really has that effect. katie: another long-term play is primetime pout -- partners. i believe that you have turned 90 this year. you are planning to live to 100, you say. my plan as well. looking at the admission statement runtime partners on your website and it's to redefine age and quality of living for prime time adult. sounds like it goes beyond longevity and getting people to live longer, it's about the quality of life there living as well. alan: we don't invest in anything that requires fda approval, but all of these medical, science, they have fda accreditation, increasing the quality of lif
alan: you don't wait for it.that the companies waiting in the area, the benefits of that technology will show up sooner rather than later. i definitely think that we are just beginning and that this will unfold over a long amount of time. it is not going away in the short term. it's a long-term play. i think you can understand how people are using this tool and what impact they expect to have, monitor it and see if it really has that effect. katie: another long-term play is primetime pout --...
May 18, 2024
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. >> thanks, alan. and this particular talk -- a little bit more academic solid try to level set a little how they congress really think about this issue and the bridge and so forth. i will be essentially channeling out our block career and what i'm going to talk about. alan auerbach -- that ebv perfect objective moderator for the session for that purpose. but also in thing assay is called for i out his phone number toward the end. just kidding. so federal debt. in particular we heard about the $34 trillion the federal debt is in you. the 30 fort wayne dollars debt is not really that -- alum referred to in japan and other places where this trust funds with the government will come to the undead. what we really care about is the debt held by the public. that's ultimately what the government owes and veteran 27.5 children. it's that world war ii levels right now but, of course, one big difference is that it is increasing as far as the eye can see. that's not the current projection. i will post my slides f
. >> thanks, alan. and this particular talk -- a little bit more academic solid try to level set a little how they congress really think about this issue and the bridge and so forth. i will be essentially channeling out our block career and what i'm going to talk about. alan auerbach -- that ebv perfect objective moderator for the session for that purpose. but also in thing assay is called for i out his phone number toward the end. just kidding. so federal debt. in particular we heard...
May 17, 2024
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alan bates did _ families over the years. absolutely.milies over the years. absolutely. alan bates did talk about during - families over the years. absolutely. j alan bates did talk about during the inquiry how difficult the financial redress has been for all these victims. he told emma simpson that this offer was about a third of what he had requested back injanuary. this is the second time he has rejected an offer in compensation. he said it was about a sixth back then. he said to emma simpson this morning that as difficult as it has been for him, it is difficult for other subpostmasters as well. the term financial redress is important because several victims who have attended these sessions have told me in the past few weeks that they believe the word compensation just can't quite cut it. but after years of what they have been through, both the health impacts, several suicides have been linked to this, mental health issues have been reported, many victims have gone through bankruptcy, they have lost homes, their families bankruptcy, t
alan bates did _ families over the years. absolutely.milies over the years. absolutely. alan bates did talk about during - families over the years. absolutely. j alan bates did talk about during the inquiry how difficult the financial redress has been for all these victims. he told emma simpson that this offer was about a third of what he had requested back injanuary. this is the second time he has rejected an offer in compensation. he said it was about a sixth back then. he said to emma...
May 17, 2024
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briefly, i gather that alan bates has been _ caused.t alan bates has been offered, _ caused. briefly, i gather that alan bates has been offered, again, i caused. briefly, i gather that alan i bates has been offered, again, new offer around compensation. tell me more about that.— more about that. yes. he says that it is a third — more about that. yes. he says that it is a third of _ more about that. yes. he says that it is a third of what _ more about that. yes. he says that it is a third of what he _ more about that. yes. he says that it is a third of what he had - more about that. yes. he says that it is a third of what he had asked i it is a third of what he had asked for and it is worth mentioning that this is the second time he has rejected an offer in terms of financial redress. they say financial redress. they say financial redress. they say financial redress because several victims over the course of the past few weeks, said they are not comfortable with the word compensation. they say when it comes to everything they have been t
briefly, i gather that alan bates has been _ caused.t alan bates has been offered, _ caused. briefly, i gather that alan bates has been offered, again, i caused. briefly, i gather that alan i bates has been offered, again, new offer around compensation. tell me more about that.— more about that. yes. he says that it is a third — more about that. yes. he says that it is a third of _ more about that. yes. he says that it is a third of what _ more about that. yes. he says that it is a third of...
May 9, 2024
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alan, next!ng to carry out the mission, the route has been laid, it is safe, what intelligence says, the latest data. and the photography was done last night, no anti-aircraft guns were detected, great, who is piloting? me, good jokes, i ask who is flying? me, dad. the task is complex and requires special qualifications, special qualifications, you and petrov sing in unison as if from notes, it turns out that petrov will fly himself? he yes, you no. yes, you should be given mekles instead of planes, the sky has come to fight, captain klyuyev, come to me, i told you to forget, and in lieutenant kulakova’s plane, the ignition wire was torn out of your hands, “that means i’m flying, that means she’s flying on your plane, take the dog in legs, you are in the second place, the dachshund won’t fly on my plane, that’s another reason, because it’s my plane, let’s go here”? this like a husband, like a toothbrush, you generally know what the relationship of an airplane pilot is, there is a spiritual connec
alan, next!ng to carry out the mission, the route has been laid, it is safe, what intelligence says, the latest data. and the photography was done last night, no anti-aircraft guns were detected, great, who is piloting? me, good jokes, i ask who is flying? me, dad. the task is complex and requires special qualifications, special qualifications, you and petrov sing in unison as if from notes, it turns out that petrov will fly himself? he yes, you no. yes, you should be given mekles instead of...
May 24, 2024
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alan bates is i extraordinary. alan bates is probably— extraordinary.known of the postmasters. he _ probably the best—known of the postmasters. he said _ probably the best—known of the postmasters. he said he - probably the best—known of the postmasters. he said he turned probably the best—known of the - postmasters. he said he turned down a miseriy— postmasters. he said he turned down a miseriy second _ postmasters. he said he turned down a miserly second offer— postmasters. he said he turned down a miserly second offer in— postmasters. he said he turned down a miserly second offer in the - postmasters. he said he turned down a miserly second offer in the last i a miserly second offer in the last couple _ a miserly second offer in the last couple of— a miserly second offer in the last couple of weeks. _ a miserly second offer in the last couple of weeks. unfortunately i a miserly second offer in the last i couple of weeks. unfortunately the scandal _ couple of weeks. unfortunately the scandal has — couple of weeks. unfortunately the scandal has a — cou
alan bates is i extraordinary. alan bates is probably— extraordinary.known of the postmasters. he _ probably the best—known of the postmasters. he said _ probably the best—known of the postmasters. he said he - probably the best—known of the postmasters. he said he turned probably the best—known of the - postmasters. he said he turned down a miseriy— postmasters. he said he turned down a miseriy second _ postmasters. he said he turned down a miserly second offer— postmasters. he...
May 13, 2024
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alan weiss oberg was trump's accountant. for decades.ving a second prison term and rikers island prison out by laguardia. it was thought that weiss oberg may or may not be able to corroborate michael cohen's testimony. but when court opened earlier today, and remember last friday afternoon just to update you the judge was asking about weiss oberg and maybe he should be called as a witness. that has not happened. when the judge deferred on admitting some of the evidence about his agreement that he reached with the trump organization when he left oregon for donald trump, he said that will be inadmissible meaning it will not be entered into this case. i find it very significant because if that remains, john, if there is no alan weiss oberg, if there is no separation agreement entered into this case, you will only have michael cohen's word against donald trump. and the entire trial will rest on that. >> sandra: so set up the next few hours for us. you will head back into the courtroom, trump is expected to head back in there around 2:00. cou
alan weiss oberg was trump's accountant. for decades.ving a second prison term and rikers island prison out by laguardia. it was thought that weiss oberg may or may not be able to corroborate michael cohen's testimony. but when court opened earlier today, and remember last friday afternoon just to update you the judge was asking about weiss oberg and maybe he should be called as a witness. that has not happened. when the judge deferred on admitting some of the evidence about his agreement that...
May 23, 2024
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i know that alan bates there is legaljeopardy? i know that alan bates has _ there is legaljeopardy?s been to see the - alan bates has been to see the metropolitan police this week. do you still think there are things like perverting the course of justice, obstructing the courts of justice, the question of corporate manslaughter. would you still like to see prosecutions and may be an inquiry, a police inquiry into miss vennells? what she sang at the moment becomes pertinent in that case, doesn't it?— case, doesn't it? well, 0k. it doesnt case, doesn't it? well, 0k. it doesn't make _ case, doesn't it? well, 0k. it doesn't make any _ case, doesn't it? well, 0k. it doesn't make any difference. case, doesn't it? well, 0k. it. doesn't make any difference to case, doesn't it? well, 0k. it- doesn't make any difference to me whether she gets prosecuted or not, because unfortunately, even if she is prosecuted and anybody else as well, they may well be prosecuted, which is yet another huge amount of money that is going to be spent on something which could have been stopped a very, very long ti
i know that alan bates there is legaljeopardy? i know that alan bates has _ there is legaljeopardy?s been to see the - alan bates has been to see the metropolitan police this week. do you still think there are things like perverting the course of justice, obstructing the courts of justice, the question of corporate manslaughter. would you still like to see prosecutions and may be an inquiry, a police inquiry into miss vennells? what she sang at the moment becomes pertinent in that case, doesn't...
May 22, 2024
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but back to pmqs alan mac.ent's talking about today, when is the pm going to call a general election? stephen flynn asked a question. the snp leader when is it? give us a date now? well, you heard the prime minister say it's going to be the second half of the year. >> we're not going to be distracted by the rumour mill and gossip, etc, etc. we're focusing on the prime minister's plan. so we got the news today that inflation has fallen to 2.3. it was over 11 when it came to office. this means that people's mortgage payments are going down, their money goes further and the economy is back on track. so we're focusing on the on that work. we're also focusing on controlling immigration, getting the rwanda flights off the ground, supporting working parents with childcare, doing all the things that government is doing and making sure that we're delivering for the people. so colin says rishi is in full election mode, is he? >> and the reason, perhaps why the rumour mill is in full swing in westminster about the prime m
but back to pmqs alan mac.ent's talking about today, when is the pm going to call a general election? stephen flynn asked a question. the snp leader when is it? give us a date now? well, you heard the prime minister say it's going to be the second half of the year. >> we're not going to be distracted by the rumour mill and gossip, etc, etc. we're focusing on the prime minister's plan. so we got the news today that inflation has fallen to 2.3. it was over 11 when it came to office. this...
May 9, 2024
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alan: esperemos que en el azteca haga algo. contra la roma buscan la remontada para el equipo italiano complicado. me parece que los alemanes se van a meter en la gran final tenemos hoy el partido a travÉs de unimÁs y tudn. desde londres la final de la champions. alan: buenas noticias shakira la cantante no podrÁ ser juzgada por otro caso de evasiÓn de impuestos entÉrate porque. lindsay: compartimos con intocables su concierto y conversamos con sus invitados especiales y verÁn la sorpresa que les dio doÑa rosa a los muchachos en el camerino. alan: indignaciÓn en mÉxico por la denuncia que publicaba una joven en redes sociales por las agresiones que sufre por parte de su novio. yisu:s: quÉdate con nosotros en el programa que elegiste como nÚmero uno [mÚsica] ♪ ♪ fran:estamos de regresan "despierta amÉrica" familia presten atenciÓnhablamos del hijo de mariana levy. sigue denunciando los malos tratos que recibiÓ y que reciben sus hermanos por parte de la pareja de la cantante. >> ¿has podido hablar con ana bÁrbara? >> la situaciÓn
alan: esperemos que en el azteca haga algo. contra la roma buscan la remontada para el equipo italiano complicado. me parece que los alemanes se van a meter en la gran final tenemos hoy el partido a travÉs de unimÁs y tudn. desde londres la final de la champions. alan: buenas noticias shakira la cantante no podrÁ ser juzgada por otro caso de evasiÓn de impuestos entÉrate porque. lindsay: compartimos con intocables su concierto y conversamos con sus invitados especiales y verÁn la sorpresa...
May 14, 2024
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alan: i will just say hopefully our successors are still a long time in coming. can looked a it as a long arch to our internet policies, cyberspace issues. started back with the original magaziner report in the late 1990's, internet principles of the early 2010, it's the articulation of a positive vision for how we are going to approach the internet and new technology. and i think it's in the spirit of making sure we're putting out, as i said, a positive vision. anybody who is coming in to these roles in the future will be part of that long arc of making sure we're building technology that works for people and is consistent with our values and is a work in progress and this is very much in the spirit of that, this arc of history. jen: totally agree and plus one on the national security strategy which has been deliberately implemented. we'll certainly be releasing our own cyberinternational strategy, cisa, that comes with assisted measures of effectiveness. we tried to drive it over the past several years to be a much more data driven agency because at the end of
alan: i will just say hopefully our successors are still a long time in coming. can looked a it as a long arch to our internet policies, cyberspace issues. started back with the original magaziner report in the late 1990's, internet principles of the early 2010, it's the articulation of a positive vision for how we are going to approach the internet and new technology. and i think it's in the spirit of making sure we're putting out, as i said, a positive vision. anybody who is coming in to...
May 22, 2024
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vamos con alan lara que tiene mÁs de los deportes en "contacto deportivo".uarto para los celtics. vallado en los entre gigantes y piratas. ahÍ estaban las no hay es. llegÓ la remontada. me dieron la victoria a su equipo. mclaren recordÓ ir ton cena. hasta aquÍ la informaciÓn. >> estamos esperando el descenso en las temperaturas. >> tenemos que tomar te caliente. tenemos una noche muy calmada para san mateo. tenemos temperaturas en los 50 y 53 grados. nos acompaÑaron los fuertes vientos. se sienten las temperaturas mÁs agradables y pueden influenciar en pacÍfico . seguimos con temperaturas un poco cÁlidas al norte de la bahÍa. en la costa estÁn a un poco mÁs cÓmodo. vamos a ver un descenso en las temperaturas. todo debido al paso del sistema que estarÍa afectando la regiÓn a partir del jueves. tambiÉn la posibilidad de lluvias. en fin de semana largo tenemos condiciones ventosas y agradables. >> el motivo se lo revelo en sÓlo minutos. los comerciantes ofrecen casi >> usted en tal vez han entrado en una sala de partos. karla farÍas nos no hablar de esta experi
vamos con alan lara que tiene mÁs de los deportes en "contacto deportivo".uarto para los celtics. vallado en los entre gigantes y piratas. ahÍ estaban las no hay es. llegÓ la remontada. me dieron la victoria a su equipo. mclaren recordÓ ir ton cena. hasta aquÍ la informaciÓn. >> estamos esperando el descenso en las temperaturas. >> tenemos que tomar te caliente. tenemos una noche muy calmada para san mateo. tenemos temperaturas en los 50 y 53 grados. nos acompaÑaron...
May 14, 2024
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about anything and he's making a big mistake, if you're jewish and you're a democrat and includes alan dershowitz, you ought to have your head examined if you see what's going on with israel. but here goes on -- [inaudible] remember this all over the world watching this trial and the sea what a disgrace this is in a big disgrace to new york. all of the state capital of the city and then -- them cut -- businesses are leaving because they can't go through what i'm going through. speaker mike johnson ones here a little while ago. is -- to collect what's happening this -- great gentleman -- [inaudible] by the way all coming from washington -- this is election interference by biden. i've never -- these criminals -- enemies like china and russia now both of america's new political prosecutions are similar to those of their own system and even more so. the [inaudible] he goes on with the people statement and a lot more. by the public -- and they agree with him another% -- they say any presidents would go through -- et cetera. is a disgrace what is happening. this is something that should be h
about anything and he's making a big mistake, if you're jewish and you're a democrat and includes alan dershowitz, you ought to have your head examined if you see what's going on with israel. but here goes on -- [inaudible] remember this all over the world watching this trial and the sea what a disgrace this is in a big disgrace to new york. all of the state capital of the city and then -- them cut -- businesses are leaving because they can't go through what i'm going through. speaker mike...
May 26, 2024
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it is interesting alan talks about 1997, — is interesting alan talks about 1997, i— is interesting alant thing is there is an open and transparent debate about the choices and trade—offs. was open and transparent debate about the choices and trade-offs. was that 0 en the choices and trade-offs. was that 0 -en and the choices and trade-offs. was that open and transparent? _ the choices and trade-offs. was that open and transparent? you - the choices and trade-offs. was that open and transparent? you could . the choices and trade-offs. was that i open and transparent? you could hear rachel reeves not want to admit that if you look now, it looks like there will be quite painful cuts. it is if you look now, it looks like there will be quite painful cuts.- will be quite painful cuts. it is a very tough _ will be quite painful cuts. it is a very tough inheritance - will be quite painful cuts. it is a very tough inheritance for - will be quite painful cuts. it is a very tough inheritance for any i will be quite painful cuts. it is a . very tough inheritance for any new chancellor — very tough
it is interesting alan talks about 1997, — is interesting alan talks about 1997, i— is interesting alant thing is there is an open and transparent debate about the choices and trade—offs. was open and transparent debate about the choices and trade-offs. was that 0 en the choices and trade-offs. was that 0 -en and the choices and trade-offs. was that open and transparent? _ the choices and trade-offs. was that open and transparent? you - the choices and trade-offs. was that open and...
May 26, 2024
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uh, alan. yeah, is around and the is there any government likely to reevaluate its position in the face of intensifying international pressure and intensifying isolation? this is the question because i am, i know if this way will continue. but if a 2020, if both falls that i see and i see j wait and go with directions. if the security costs are when go on voltage is point 0 been compromised to recognize firestone. if it will end up with the amenities in this and die nosebleed to inc. and that is the i the conjunction if we do well on our international sandy the, our security. or if we go off the 100 percent security dash, because the pressure of the user name population and the sun is below. now the way. thank you gentlemen, for a very interesting conversation. thank you very much for joining us. mohammed dilate allan leo williams to boss. thank you to all 3 of you and thank you to for watching. you can always watch this program again, any time by visiting our website at all, jessie or dot com
uh, alan. yeah, is around and the is there any government likely to reevaluate its position in the face of intensifying international pressure and intensifying isolation? this is the question because i am, i know if this way will continue. but if a 2020, if both falls that i see and i see j wait and go with directions. if the security costs are when go on voltage is point 0 been compromised to recognize firestone. if it will end up with the amenities in this and die nosebleed to inc. and that...
May 31, 2024
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alan, great to see you. great conversation. we appreciate your time.: all right. alan d dershowitz there. stay with us. we'll be right back. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit morethannormalaging.com craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. maria: welcome back. we've within talking about president trump's new york trial and this trial reportedly cost upwards of $2 million over the six weeks that it took to play out in lower manhattan. that is taxpayer money. it cost $50,000 a day on safety precautions,
alan, great to see you. great conversation. we appreciate your time.: all right. alan d dershowitz there. stay with us. we'll be right back. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit morethannormalaging.com craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she...
May 22, 2024
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donald trump, alan weisselberg and keith schiller, they could of called keith schiller and alan weisselbergthe decision on the prosecution side when we have the picture, we have the phone records y don't we call schiller to say, did you walk stormy daniels to the hotel room? did you take a phone call to michael cohen and hand the phone to donald trump? i can imagine on the phone call thing, schiller could have a easy i don't remember, what is the calculation? are they going to hope that the defense calls so they can do cross instead of direct? >> if you have a witness like schiller and it is somebody that you think. >> former nypd. long time personal bodyguard to trump, as loyal as they get. >> oh, yes. and let's just say there is substantial issues beyond this case they would be aware of. so, here is the issue, one, they may have been spoken to his lawyer and said we want to speak to him and not necessarily put him in the grand jury. you don't have to come in for an interview but respond to a grand jury and he may of taken the fifth >> in the grand jury. >> or said i will so they don't bot
donald trump, alan weisselberg and keith schiller, they could of called keith schiller and alan weisselbergthe decision on the prosecution side when we have the picture, we have the phone records y don't we call schiller to say, did you walk stormy daniels to the hotel room? did you take a phone call to michael cohen and hand the phone to donald trump? i can imagine on the phone call thing, schiller could have a easy i don't remember, what is the calculation? are they going to hope that the...
May 9, 2024
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to major petrov, forward, alan, report from major petrov forward, alan, forward, alan.soon, you want to fly, but what about your friend? and he is afraid of heights, but in general , you know, my father had a field wife, can you imagine, that’s why you and him are at knifepoint, no, this is exactly the only thing i i understand him very much. but how, like your mother, she understood everything, kind people told her, and then she explained to me that in war everything is different, good, bad. right, wrong, it doesn’t work here, the concept of good is bad, it works the same, always, galya, but if i want to live, just have time to live, egor, before messer knocks me down, i’m not golikova, i don’t need anything so deep, i ...there’s no need for commitment either, i can’t do this with you, galya, i can’t, you think so, but i’m completely different, you know, you understand? what a fool you are, comrade major, who is there? right colonel, you asked for a list of everyone who knew or heard, support, but why didn’t you send an adjutant? my adjutant, senior lieutenant of the i
to major petrov, forward, alan, report from major petrov forward, alan, forward, alan.soon, you want to fly, but what about your friend? and he is afraid of heights, but in general , you know, my father had a field wife, can you imagine, that’s why you and him are at knifepoint, no, this is exactly the only thing i i understand him very much. but how, like your mother, she understood everything, kind people told her, and then she explained to me that in war everything is different, good, bad....
May 6, 2024
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>> reporter: they're currently getting into the minutia of the approval from alan weisselberg to jeffreyy to have the michael cohen invoices approved and those reimbursement checks initially. the first two signed by weisselberg as well as don jr. then the final one coming from donald trump's personal account and signed by donald trump himself. you have jeffrey mcconney, someone who worked for 35 years for the trump organization, a loyalist to donald trump and the family, testifying in the courtroom that he understood that the $35,000 checks that were being labeled in the ledger as monthly legal retainer expenses were actually reimbursements made to michael cohen for previous acts, as well as a doubling of that to cover tax purposes, as well as to offset bonus that michael cohen had argued he deserved. this is where you're getting at the heart of a key ally of donald trump within the trump organization testifying today that he in early 2017 mowingly was -- at the direction of alan weisselberg and checks signed by donald trump himself, was at the heart of the alleged falsification of busin
>> reporter: they're currently getting into the minutia of the approval from alan weisselberg to jeffreyy to have the michael cohen invoices approved and those reimbursement checks initially. the first two signed by weisselberg as well as don jr. then the final one coming from donald trump's personal account and signed by donald trump himself. you have jeffrey mcconney, someone who worked for 35 years for the trump organization, a loyalist to donald trump and the family, testifying in the...
May 17, 2024
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did donald, alan, michael. in this trial. michael cohen will be the only person who was in that room who will offer, under oath testimony about what happened in that room. the defense has already indicated there is no plan for them to call alan weisberg to the witness stand, who could, conceivably, testify on behalf of donald trump and maybe say that that meeting never took place. that testimony won't happen. the defense has all but admitted to the judge that donald trump will not testify. the jury will be instruct did that the lawyers questions are not evidence. testimony by witnesses is evidence that the jury can accept or reject, but questions by lawyers are not evidence. questions by lawyers prove nothing. todd blanche is big moment today, where he raised his voice to its loudest level that we've heard in that very polite courtroom from anyone in that room, saying to michael cohen, that is a lie, is not evidence in this trial. the jury has been instructed to that. the only actual evidence we have about that phone call is
did donald, alan, michael. in this trial. michael cohen will be the only person who was in that room who will offer, under oath testimony about what happened in that room. the defense has already indicated there is no plan for them to call alan weisberg to the witness stand, who could, conceivably, testify on behalf of donald trump and maybe say that that meeting never took place. that testimony won't happen. the defense has all but admitted to the judge that donald trump will not testify. the...
May 7, 2024
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because because alan yslow broke signed off in an invoice, did he have to sign it? the question did mr. trump have to sign a check because missile yslow berg approved in defterios offices know if he didn't want to sign it. he didn't sign it question. did you ever see situations where he didn't sign checks? her answer yes what would happen in those situations? they asked answer. he would write void on it and send it back question, how do you know he would write void on it? she answers it was signed in a sharpie in black. that is what he usually does. >> this is great testimony for the prosecution in a couple of reasons. first of all, it's visceral and you can see even just the detail about the sharpie right? we all know he uses the sharpie, but yeah, exactly. he loves a sharp eight circles, hurricanes, and stuff. >> but you can remember that it's a lasting image. >> the other thing is, he has the ability and the resources to say no, he is involved in all fit some checks. he says not signing this, not legitimate void, yet he's signing these checks to michael cohen now
because because alan yslow broke signed off in an invoice, did he have to sign it? the question did mr. trump have to sign a check because missile yslow berg approved in defterios offices know if he didn't want to sign it. he didn't sign it question. did you ever see situations where he didn't sign checks? her answer yes what would happen in those situations? they asked answer. he would write void on it and send it back question, how do you know he would write void on it? she answers it was...
May 22, 2024
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hello, alan. iwrite a behatf— e—mail. hello, alan. iwrite a behalf of— e—mail. hello, alan.o him by the hierarchy at the crown office _ to him by the hierarchy at the crown office in— to him by the hierarchy at the crown office in chester. he had an armed raid in _ office in chester. he had an armed raid in may— office in chester. he had an armed raid in may and the faceless wonders at crown— raid in may and the faceless wonders at crown office has indicated he was comparable to how to make the kangaroo — comparable to how to make the kangaroo court, where he was not allowed _ kangaroo court, where he was not allowed any representation. he was a broken _ allowed any representation. he was a broken man — allowed any representation. he was a broken man. he was sent for last friday— broken man. he was sent for last friday to — broken man. he was sent for last friday to attend a meeting with a crown _ friday to attend a meeting with a crown office personnel again and all weekend _ crown office personnel again and all weekend he has clearly not been himself — weekend he has clear
hello, alan. iwrite a behatf— e—mail. hello, alan. iwrite a behalf of— e—mail. hello, alan.o him by the hierarchy at the crown office _ to him by the hierarchy at the crown office in— to him by the hierarchy at the crown office in chester. he had an armed raid in _ office in chester. he had an armed raid in may— office in chester. he had an armed raid in may and the faceless wonders at crown— raid in may and the faceless wonders at crown office has indicated he was comparable to...
May 16, 2024
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and now it's my great honor to introduce president alan. [applause] >> now you can read about the fact that she began her tenure at the 19th president of george washington university on july 1st, 2023. and you can read her biography about the exciting academic leader that she was and is before she came here and you can also read about her scholarly work as a socialist. but you will not read and the thing i must share with you to introduce her is that we at the george washington university are the recipients of accomplishments in my opinion. they have brought steady and wise leadership, not only during turbulent times but also during the times that we have learned to call joyful. they are smiles, they are fun and they are everything that this community needed. please join me in welcoming our 19th president alan greenberg. [applause] >> good afternoon, everyone. and dana, thank you for that extremely kind introduction. i have to say this afternoon i'm more excited than i have been i think at any time at my time at gw because i've been admirer
and now it's my great honor to introduce president alan. [applause] >> now you can read about the fact that she began her tenure at the 19th president of george washington university on july 1st, 2023. and you can read her biography about the exciting academic leader that she was and is before she came here and you can also read about her scholarly work as a socialist. but you will not read and the thing i must share with you to introduce her is that we at the george washington university...
May 11, 2024
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alan: buenas noches, bienvenidos a la informaciÓn deportiva.nez, entre otros estÁn fuera de la lista, entre las sorpresas estÁn brian garcÍa, alexis peÑa, guillermo martÍnez, entre otros. directamente a italia, el inter de milÁn tuvo un partido con feria de goles, la victoria fue 5—0 el inter ya es campeÓn del fÚtbol de italia. no te pierdas los cuartos de final de vuelta, rayados enfrenta al amÉrica, luego toluca contra chivas como te pierdas por univisiÓn y tudn. vamos a platicar de la nba el juego tres de semifinal de la conferencia, pacers obtuvo la victoria. es el quinto jugador en la historia en la nba en registrar estos marcadores. finalizamos con actividad del deporte blanco, andrew novak novak djokovic obtuvo la victoria, pero se llevÓ un golpe. una botella cayÓ de la mochila de un aficionado, pero todo bien con novak djokovic. hasta aquÍ la informaciÓn deportiva,sigan con nosotros y hasta la prÓxima. presentador: hoy para algunos paÍses americanos es dÍa de las madres, otros estÁn esperando tal vez el dÍa especial durante este fin de
alan: buenas noches, bienvenidos a la informaciÓn deportiva.nez, entre otros estÁn fuera de la lista, entre las sorpresas estÁn brian garcÍa, alexis peÑa, guillermo martÍnez, entre otros. directamente a italia, el inter de milÁn tuvo un partido con feria de goles, la victoria fue 5—0 el inter ya es campeÓn del fÚtbol de italia. no te pierdas los cuartos de final de vuelta, rayados enfrenta al amÉrica, luego toluca contra chivas como te pierdas por univisiÓn y tudn. vamos a platicar...
May 13, 2024
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thanks. >> thanks, alan. and this particular talk -- a little bit more academic solid try to level set a little how they congress really think about this issue and the bridge and so forth. i will be essentially channeling out our block career and what i'm going to talk about. alan auerbach -- that ebv perfect objective moderator for the session for that purpose. but also in thing assay is called for i out his phone number toward the end. just kidding. so federal debt. in particular we heard about the $34 trillion the federal debt is in you. the 30 fort wayne dollars debt is not really that -- alum referred to in japan and other places where this trust funds with the government will come to the undead. what we really care about is the debt held by the public. that's ultimately what the government owes and veteran 27.5 children. it's that world war ii levels right now but, of course, one big difference is that it is increasing as far as the eye can see. that's not the current projection. i will post my slides f
thanks. >> thanks, alan. and this particular talk -- a little bit more academic solid try to level set a little how they congress really think about this issue and the bridge and so forth. i will be essentially channeling out our block career and what i'm going to talk about. alan auerbach -- that ebv perfect objective moderator for the session for that purpose. but also in thing assay is called for i out his phone number toward the end. just kidding. so federal debt. in particular we...
May 6, 2024
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we are not even alawites hilberg, we are alan weisberg, number two. jeffery can you put that knowledge can you impute that knowledge up? chain of command to donald trump there close the right on the precipice and there's a lot of common sense questions i think like john and jamie, we're raising could did michael carbon really have the power to just extract $400,000 for himself or not that's part of the argument and i think michael collins gonna be the one to make the direct link to donald trump. they're making the leap that michael cohen estimated take your narrower rather than the jury having to take michael collins just in a vacuum now they go. okay. we understand how this work now that the link is a little narrower, that michael cohen estimated yes, quickly one step further, some of this money was coming from donald trump's personal account. i think that ups the ante about how much he cared about it it is brian, i just because we have you here and you were there at the time i want to kind of look at this even holistically going back to the beginnin
we are not even alawites hilberg, we are alan weisberg, number two. jeffery can you put that knowledge can you impute that knowledge up? chain of command to donald trump there close the right on the precipice and there's a lot of common sense questions i think like john and jamie, we're raising could did michael carbon really have the power to just extract $400,000 for himself or not that's part of the argument and i think michael collins gonna be the one to make the direct link to donald...
May 29, 2024
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alan: weah se une al miembro de grupos de el equipo usl .s por continuar con nosotros. un proyecto de ley tiene preocupados a miles de personas en el paÍs porque podrÍan perder los beneficios que actualmente reciben. si la medida es aprobada el programa podrÍa sufrir recortes de $ en los prÓximos aÑos y obviamente esto genera preocupaciÓn. vamos con una recapitulaciÓn del tiempo. semana caliente, pero cuÁl es el dÍa mÁs caluroso? nayarit: el jueves tocamos temperaturas de hasta 90°. hasta la costa 60, pero en el interior hablamos de 80,90 y el panorama despejado y soleado, asÍ que atenciÓn para el jueves porque sectores al interior estÁn tocando los 90. dayana: esta noche a las 11 un profesor de la universidad estatal de san josÉ afirma que se vulneran sus derechos de libertad acadÉmica tras ser suspendido por ser el enlace entre la universidad y los alumnos que protestaron contra la guerra en gaza. tras el aumento de robos a dos marcas de vehÍculos existe la posibilidad de que los dueÑos de estos automÓviles reciban una compe
alan: weah se une al miembro de grupos de el equipo usl .s por continuar con nosotros. un proyecto de ley tiene preocupados a miles de personas en el paÍs porque podrÍan perder los beneficios que actualmente reciben. si la medida es aprobada el programa podrÍa sufrir recortes de $ en los prÓximos aÑos y obviamente esto genera preocupaciÓn. vamos con una recapitulaciÓn del tiempo. semana caliente, pero cuÁl es el dÍa mÁs caluroso? nayarit: el jueves tocamos temperaturas...
May 13, 2024
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william from his parents and siblings and alan from her mother. so william's parents, he was one of the younger children. they were laboring for mr. craft and he saw that they were getting old and past their prime and william's mother had already had all these children, william's father, they were both probably in their 40's. as the crafts remember it, he wanted to replenish his stock by trading in these older enslaved people for younger ones and that's the reason he gives william when he asks, because william was under 10 years old when this happens. and he asks mr. craft was it because they were losing their value? so william remembers his parents and seeing them taken off and sold to different enslavers. what happens then is william and his siblings are left and his brothers are sold and then he and his one other brother and one younger sister are remaining. the older brother and william are apprenticed, william to become a cabinetmaker because he is smart and develops these skills. he will provide a return on his investment for his and slaver.
william from his parents and siblings and alan from her mother. so william's parents, he was one of the younger children. they were laboring for mr. craft and he saw that they were getting old and past their prime and william's mother had already had all these children, william's father, they were both probably in their 40's. as the crafts remember it, he wanted to replenish his stock by trading in these older enslaved people for younger ones and that's the reason he gives william when he asks,...
May 9, 2024
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. >> and i want to bring in a jury consultant alan tuerkheimer is us. great to see you, thank you.you know, for us that aren't on a daily basis used to seeing what goes on in a jury room, right? you see some of this testimony going on right now when donald trump's attorney is asking stormy daniels about statements she made about trump at different times, and there's a back and forth, and i want alan, your thoughts on what temidayo was saying about one thing is to read what's going on inside the jury and another is to be there and to see what the jury takes away from it. and i'll read some of what just has been said, but how does that difference manifest itself? >> it is important. now, i think that the substance of testimony certainly is crucial, but as important or almost as important is the body language, is the reaction, what's the tone? is it consistent? how is the witness communicating? is the witness going beyond the scope? and jurors attach significance to all kinds of nonverbal communication. if a witness looks up in the air when they're answering a question, they might thi
. >> and i want to bring in a jury consultant alan tuerkheimer is us. great to see you, thank you.you know, for us that aren't on a daily basis used to seeing what goes on in a jury room, right? you see some of this testimony going on right now when donald trump's attorney is asking stormy daniels about statements she made about trump at different times, and there's a back and forth, and i want alan, your thoughts on what temidayo was saying about one thing is to read what's going on...
May 24, 2024
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my name is kirsty alan and i represents susan - alan and i represents susan sinclair, _ alan and i representsn— the first to successfully appeal her conviction in scotland, which only happened — conviction in scotland, which only happened as recently as september last year~ _ happened as recently as september last year. in your witness statement, you state that you were always — statement, you state that you were always open to the real possibility of unsafe — always open to the real possibility of unsafe convictions and, as such, you always — of unsafe convictions and, as such, you always sought to be questioning in your— you always sought to be questioning in your approach. after reading accounts — in your approach. after reading accounts of sub—postmasters and reconciling — accounts of sub—postmasters and reconciling these with the findings of second — reconciling these with the findings of second sight's second report, the identification of bugs with horizon and garethjenkins coming forwards, at what _ and garethjenkins coming forwards, at what extent did you question the safety— at what
my name is kirsty alan and i represents susan - alan and i represents susan sinclair, _ alan and i representsn— the first to successfully appeal her conviction in scotland, which only happened — conviction in scotland, which only happened as recently as september last year~ _ happened as recently as september last year. in your witness statement, you state that you were always — statement, you state that you were always open to the real possibility of unsafe — always open to the real...
May 7, 2024
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it's a person it's alan yslow, birth play a huge role in this testimony today. this is just one exchange and we have a corresponding document to show you matthew angelo, the prosecutor who was asking the questions any for part of it says mr. mcconney, now showing you a document that's been marked people's 35. do you recognize this document, mcconney says, yes, glandular says, what is it? mechanic? is this is the bank statement that allen gave me to put in the files colangelo says is their handwriting on this document, mcconney says there are two sets of handwriting at the bottom of the document. do you recognize the handwriting? i recognize the handwriting. the left side of the page, but not the right side of the page, whose handwriting is on the left side of the page. but connie says that belongs to alan yslow glad you asked, how do you recognize his handwriting? mcconney says i've read his handwriting for about 35 years. >> but now, but that document is so important, that document is the most important document. oh, okay. okay. so is this question-and-answer o
it's a person it's alan yslow, birth play a huge role in this testimony today. this is just one exchange and we have a corresponding document to show you matthew angelo, the prosecutor who was asking the questions any for part of it says mr. mcconney, now showing you a document that's been marked people's 35. do you recognize this document, mcconney says, yes, glandular says, what is it? mechanic? is this is the bank statement that allen gave me to put in the files colangelo says is their...