alan armitage was topless. guernica, barinholtz blane. gosh, i thought i'd never get to my name. he suddenly said, jim brown. it was the biggest of my life. then. i made it from the classroom to the barracks and nothing flat. don't laugh. i had a date with a crow. you see the crow is what navy men call a rating. each man keeps his crow under his mattress until he's earned the right to wear it. when the time comes, he can't get the needle and thread out fast enough that emblem says i am now already ol man. third class. any time you see a fellow wearing it. you can bet boots he knows his stuff. i don't mean that to be bragging, but only the fellows who have gone through a navy communications school know what it really means to read it it. next day, with the skipper doing the honors, we marched out on the parade ground to get our diplomas. i wish you could have been there, pop. i know you have a war job. besides, the government does not want people traveling around the country unless they to.sort of n and mailing it home to you. mother. well, we got our orders to shove off today and