and alan begham. go ahead. >>> [speaking through interpreter] good afternoon, my name is [speaker not understood] and i represent community association. our 1,000 members [speaker not understood] mono lingual elderly tenants. we are very concerned about the current legislation because [speaker not understood] those units will be taken out of rent control housing stock. this will open the flood gate and incentivize speculators and tenants because of properties increased value. a lot of the affected tenants are all low-income and they won't be able to afford other places once they get evicted. i have also experienced the eviction process before and i do not wish for anyone to go through that stress. our biggest concern is speculators being motivated to get into the tic market. as we clear out the waiting list we are worried more speculator are going to jump in and get in the conversion [speaker not understood] whim it is ready. [speaker not understood]. therefore, i strongly urge the board of supervisor