[applause] dem, and mayor alan carol and her team. but most importantly, the community members. the community members who hold us accountable who push us and a lot of you are out here. we spend so much time meeting and talking and trying to plan and really, sometimes deservedly so, taking a lot of heat about what we're going to do to make this space better and make this community better. and this is a first step, but let's not let it be the last step because we have more work to do. and i just want to say also to dean and the u.s., uc a team and many of you are out here. and those biweekly meet that'sing we have, i think we've been having them for couple of years, this is what we meet for. we meet to make progress and this is real progress. so as i close, i want to say a couple of things. the mayor mentioned this and i want to reiterate. this is a beautiful space, we are commit today keeping it a beautiful place. last niem phil ginsburg called me late last night and we talked about for about 30-45 minutes about what is next. how do we keep this space beautiful. how do we keep th