another inmate's future may have taken a turn for the worse. >> alan clark is in inmate we will go see. he didn't know whether his fiancee was going to marry him or not. he was under the impression that, they were okay. but apparently she hadn't returned any letters when he had written her. so, apparently there was something wrong. he had me call her, to find out if they still wanted to get married. alan. have you got a second? you know what this is about, have you had an opportunity to talk to [ bleep ]. >> no, i haven't heard from her. >> you told me to give her a call. concerning you getting married. i called her. and i was talking to her the she sounded pretty upset. and, i had asked her if she was still interested in getting married. she said, married? i said, yeah, alan has been wanting to get married for a while i understand it. i want to see if you guys would look to get married. she said, in emphatic terms, absolutely not. so i don't know -- all that sits. apparently she is upset. did you know she didn't want to get married? >> yeah, she is the one that