t mohawk haircut. [ applause ] uh, alan cranston said that the movie "the day after" will probably help his campaign. john glenn seems to think that the movie "the right stuff" will help him in his presidential campaign. uh, harold stassen is hoping that they'll reissue "golden pond." [ laughter ] i wasn't too sure of that one myself. mondale is after the youth vote. today he filmed a rock video with michael jackson. [ laughter ] when i get close to one of these, just let me know. jesse jackson is seeking the older vote. today he got the support of the last surviving ink spot. so it's really starting to-- [ laughter ] [ booing ] anyway, we got a good show for you tonight. we have a lovely lady, a beautiful actress, miss lynn redgrave is here this evening. we have a very-very funny young comedian who's been with us several times, jerry seinfeld. [ applause ] a charming gentleman by the name of ernest st. george. he is 92 years old. he, um, is responsible for quite a few inventions. he was married, i guess, r a newlywed. and the mighty carson art players are gonna take another shot at it.