andrew: alan doesn't know anything about football. i can't believe you pulled vernon davis out. that was amazing for me. i would have to see the hidden costs associated with this. there's a lot of marketing costs. so they're gonna take money and they're gonna market vernon davis. you get his potential future growth minus what they spend to market. so there is a lot of hidden costs, so keep an eye on that. i love the concept but i think there's gonna be too many hidden costs outside of it. alan: and with ipo's like twitter for example, you can't use options to hedge and protect yourself. so for a couple of weeks you're just naked in the world and anything can happen. angie: on to the bonus round question and it's ticker time--- which of the tickers are actual symbols of publically traded companies? a)www, b) wage c)sale or d)all of the above? andrew: all of the above. alan: it's always all of the above. angie: it's all of the above. thanks for coming on the show guys. first business continues right after this. trader tim biggam, of tradingblock joins us now for a closer look at t