hadley: early as alan douglas conant -- allen dulles. he is the brother of the secretary of state during the eisenhower administration. 1953, the eisenhower administration comes in. john foster dulles is kind of in charge of the united states' public interaction and he gets put in charge of the nets of public interaction of the world. it is under him that the cia first successfully overthrows foreign governments in iran in 1953. and he is very much an advocate of this more aggressive, covert action oriented agency. who with is others their own distinct mark and change the agency and shifted. i don't want to suggest, for example, that there is no one else. you get a guy like john combe in the 1960's, who -- he is the director of the central intelligence during the cuban this a crisis. he really buckles down and focuses on especially providing good intelligence and keeping a lower profile. so i would say those are two of the most important early directors of the cia. mr. scully: why did you get interested in this topic? mr. hadley: i got i