all films like francis ford coppola's the conversation. alan pakula's, all the president's men, all films that feature wiretapping and electronic surveillance as a kind of stock plot device. yes, that's true. but at the same time, the kind of public and popular with wiretapping, electronic surveillance, far predates that. i was fascinated to uncover a kind of subgenre of pulp fiction that kind of explodes in the early century, known as the wire thriller. these are popular of novels. pulp literature usually directed towards young male audiences, but kind of dime dime, dime novels that all featured kind of rogue professionals and their wiretapping exploits and committing crimes and also solving them. this is an entire kind of subgenre that proliferates just as the telegraph has reached saturation point as point and just as the telephone is beginning kind of come its own as a public utility. so yes, there is kind of waxing and waning of interest over on the part of popular culture and there are some very clear high points. but at the same time, on