well, i want to discuss this with our panel, alan grayson, farmer, florida, congressman andrew langer host andrew on your show and president of the liberty institute and audrey j. pruitt chairman of new jersey impact. thank you so much for joining me on this very sensitive topic. but i think one very important, as i said, there needs to be some real wines established as to what is going on here. and obviously i'm gonna start with you alan grayson, congressman, you know, does the majority of the jewish faith support the democratic party? and does this include, you think all the various sectors of judaism, the jury does the calling is because the said 7030 as you described at the beginning of the show that has been consistent for many, many years. no matter what happens in israel and in the middle east, and i think it's likely to remain true jews or form. and even conservatives do very heavily with the democratic party and use or orthodox and ultra orthodox types of skill and you have a direction. the reason for that is very simply that the judaism is a moral religion and the credit spo