senator elizabeth warren she issued a letter calling for more transparency and then representative alan great grace and he called it an abuse of the classified information system can you talk about the growing concerns in congress behind transparency here well this this agreement could rewrite one of us none trade law yet even though congress has constitutional authority over trade exclusively they've not been allowed to see it for three years so you have a lot of members of congress now demanding to see it particularly because president obama wants to sign the text. and he has called to have a sign of a pags summit which is in october and how does he expect to get this through congress that's a very good question so if you've got a lot of members of congress who have the authority over it and they haven't seen what they have seen they don't like what's his plan he wants to use an arcane procedure that was first cooked up by richard nixon called fast track it's like a slate of shoves things through congress it bans all amendments it limits congressional debates and it mandates a yes or no vote with