there's definitely more to this story joining me now is international crisis group's alan keenan allen a behind the headline what's what's really going on here. well i think a number of things are going on i mean one serious cena is increasingly unpopular politically so i think he's looking around for issues he thinks might resonate with the public and might tell him how can win back a bit of. bit of popularity and this is your report suggests it is sort of on the surface quite popular but he's going to have trouble i think in in part dealing with the buddhist clergy which traditionally has been quite out of opposed to the death penalty and previous attempts or previous sort of rhetorical gestures or promises by by politicians to bring it back have been blocked by what is the opposition so we'll have to see really how far this goes and is there really a drug problem in sri lanka. i think there's two drug problems yes there's definitely drug problem i mean drugs are easily available smuggling networks are very strong. and there is a need to address it no question and there is some evide