to the credit of bob king of the uaw, alan mulally and a few of us, we worked with the administration and said, be strong. make sure the market's open. make sure it's a two-way street instead of a one-way street. and i think that's, basically, what has been accomplished here as to an important sector of our economy, one that is helping grow our economy and needs to be able to export it products everywhere. so, mr. reif, let me ask you, there isn't much time, but indicate the major changes that were made in the automotive sector in the redone agreement. >> thank you, mr. levin. briefly, um, there are five major changes to the agreement that were made. first, um, we agreed to encourage green technologies by immediately cutting in half korea's tariffs on electric car exports and eliminating our tariffs altogether by the fifth year. second, we leveled the playing field by addressing the ways in which korea's system of automotive safety standards, as you mentioned, had served as a barrier to u.s. exports for many years. third, we agreed that korea would immediately cut in half its tariffs