. >> we've alan mullally been lobbying for it aggressively. so, let's keep up the pressure. aggressively lobbying for it, that's objective enough so that we can measure your performance or grade your performance. but i don't think "success" is necessarily in your control, so. >> okay, all right. so, i will make the changes and then we will -- we do need -- i do need to bring it back for you before you at the november meeting for final approval. >> okay. do we have public comment at this point on item number 8? seeing none, public comment is closed. so, that's what you'll do, then, we'll vote on this in november after you reword it. >> yes, i think that is the most proper thing to do, for you to see the final product. and then make -- and then have the final vote. >> okay. next item. >> commissioners, you are now on item number 9, director's report, update and report on the office of small business and the small business assistance center, update on department programs, update on legislative matters, update on mobile retail, update on the west portal fire, update on the civil