but miraculously, inexplicably, three players-- jakson follmann, helio neto, and alan ruschel-- lived the most chilling detail. when did you first sense something was-- was very wrong? >> helio neto ( translated ): i felt it when the plane shut down. when the emergency lights came on, i said, "jesus have mercy." i heard the noise of the wind. i remember the alarm going off, beep-beep-beep-beep, and a voice came on in english to signal an emergency. >> wertheim: what did you hear when you thought, "this plane might be going down?" >> jakson follmann ( translated ): only the wind. there was no sound at all. only the wind. >> neto ( translated ): i remember many people on the plane were praying, many people saying, "jesus, help. my god, jesus have mercy." i was praying loudly. >> wertheim: found in the wreckage hours later, neto would lie in a coma for nine days. ruschel sustained a spinal cord injury. follmann lost his right leg below the knee. the tragedy grew even more devastating when investigators discovered the cause. the reason these guys heard nothing but the wind on the way down