alan k. simpsonfrom wyoming and attorney to bird simpson, a thank you for joining me >> here we go again. >> yes here we go again listen, senator, i want to know your predictions of this particular election, knowing how concerned you are with both parties with the predictions continuing to affect the u.s. and budget and future whether it's entitlements, deficits or spending you take it. >> well, you know, i don't want to be johnny one note on this stuff. i think this is going to be chaos. there's a lot to think about, all of this polling going on, everybody is accusing everybody else of lying. i think people get a delight in lying to pollsters that's my personal view. i know it's a sick one, i know that, but i think they get a real charge out of that. anyway, you can go on to think that every single candidate, the past president and now as soon as this election is over, we'll be talking about 2020, instead of the real things in life which is the budget and the entitlements and the solvency of social