funding it author alan taylor delves into the war of 1812 and how it was seen as a civil war. a relatively forgot more, the war of 1812 is considered to be a continuing statement of republic versus an empire carried over from the american revolution. taylor focuses on the overlap of american and british forces and how the border impacted personal experiences. it is about 50 minutes. >> i am doing something reckless today. i am coming into the heart of virginia and talking about the civil war. it is a different civil war. it is jarring to hear the war of 1812: civil war. for what make the case i've titled it the way that i have. now, the war of 1812 ordinarily looms fairly small in american's memory. it's ordinarily forgotten as insignificant because it seemed to have ended in a draw that changed no boundaries or changed no policy. now, at best americans will recall the war for a handful of patriotic icons, the national anthem, the victories of the american warship, the constitution known as old iron sides. for the british party and burning the white house and then for the pay