in so doing, they implicitly or ask for simply follow the lead of alan turing has separated the issue of intelligence from the issue of consciousness in his famous essay, computing machinery and intelligence. he wrote, i do not wish to give the impression that i think there is no mystery about conscious as, but i do not think these mysteries necessarily need to be solved before we can answer the question with which we are concerned in this paper. the question of this paper, following the behavioral orientation on the rise in psychology was could there be -- would not could there be a conscious machine or even could there be a thinking machine, but rather in effect could people be convinced that a machine with thinking in the same way that we think. hence the turing test. a simplified version of which confronts a person with an artificial intelligence if the person can tile if he is talking to a computer or to a fellow human being. if he cannot, the computer has artificial intelligence by the definition. if we cannot clarify consciousness then, perhaps we are on firmer ground than a.i.