this new song by alanis morissette.dren. ready for lunch? ♪ stinky britches, you got stinky, stinky -- ♪ eric, is there a problem? i can't get this song out of my head! "stinky britches" by alanis morissette? yeah! ♪ stinky, stinky britches children, did you say hi to mr. twig? hi, boys. how are you? when is mr. hat coming back? i told you never to say his name in my presence! but we hate mr. twig. mr. twig sucks. yeah. ♪ stinky britches it just so happens that mr. twig is far more stable than mr. hat could ever be, so he's the better puppet. he'd be better used as a coat rack. [ laughter ] how dare you?! come on, mr. twig! hello, there, children! hey, chef. hey, chef. hey, chef. ♪ you got stinky britches ♪ what did you say? he's singing some new hit song. eric, where did you hear that song? it's all over the place -- on the radio, mtv -- everywhere. children, i wrote that song 20 years ago. you wrote it? yeah. back when i used to be in the rock business. now it looks like some big record company has published one of my