had been composed of alaska natives who began wielding political influence at the beginning of the century. the major organization for alaska natives was the alaska native brotherhood and sisterhood. >> the oldest native organization in the united states, almost the oldest one that's on record, is the alaska native brotherhood, organized in 1912, officially organized and developed the leadership of southeast alaska and for alaska natives out of that group. the alaska native brotherhood is where the nucleus of the native power was organized, where it was developed, and where the leadership came from. >> the alaska native brotherhood endorsed the statehood act. they wanted statehood because it would give them a larger voice, they felt, with representatives back in congress and better control and out from under the bia's thumbs. people don't realize how federalized we were in rural alaska, the native community under the bia. >> narrator: former colonel and now delegate marvin "muktuk" marston had worked with governor gruening to enlist alaska natives into the territorial guard during world war ii. it was an early warning scout brigade to watch out for japanese landing