alayne: and we used our own funds to get the ranch started. and, uh, our feeling was if you believe enough in what you're doing, you should be able to put your own financial assets out there first to get started, and then you go forward with the generosity of the supporters, which we've been doing ever since. steve: this is our first barn, lena's barn, who we actually named for the very first animal that arrived, which was a blind horse named lena. and when alayne and i started the sanctuary in 2000, we actually thought we were gonna do disabled dogs and cats, and the very first animal that arrived lena. and she was a quarter horse who went blind from training abuse. and she was the very first animal that arrived, and that's how we ended up doing blind horses. she taught us everything we needed to know. here she comes right now. and, uh, she's just the sweetest, calmest horse you could imagine. and she was a perfect first-time blind horse to have. she taught us everything we needed to know. this little girl is blind brynne. and she actually ha