that is what people's alben five the second condition, the cheating condition when the five minutes are over we ask people to shred the piece of paper. put the pieces in their pocket or their back packin tell us how many questions they saw it correctly. presumably people are not smart and because they shred the piece of paper but now they claim to sell seven. it is not its if we had a few bad apples that skewed the distribution. instead we have lots of people who cheated just a little bit. why do people cheat? the bekka model of cheating is every day when we walk by anything we consider three things. we say to ourselves how much money is in the till? what is the chance they will catch us? how much time we get in prison? [laughter] we weighed the cost benefit analysis and decide whether-- it sounds like a crazy model and it is. but realize this is the model driving the legal system. so in some sense it is an odd modeled but it very important model in a practical way because of the role of economics in our society. s