albena dokova: no, no michel escoto: did i ever throw you on the ground? albena dokova: no.hy: more importantly, escoto wanted to show that the state's theory of the crime was a fairytale ... starting with the idea that he drugged wendy. a pharmacologist testified that wendy that had only small amounts of prescription narcotics in her blood when the autopsy was performed... daniel buffington (in the courtroom): the toxicology report are consistent with normal doses that you would take of any of these medications. dennis murphy: she wasn't heavily drugged as the state argued. dennis murphy: she wasn't as incapacitated as you might've been led to believe? terry lenamon: absolutely. and that's highly disputed-- dennis murphy: this was not a knock-out punch? terry lenamon: highly-disputed. dennis murphy: there was another problem with the state's theory and it had to do with how wendy died. prosecutor (in courtroom): and if the assailant left handed began to strike her.... dennis murphy: a medical examiner for the defense believed that wendy's extensive injuries indicated two ki