[applause] >> albert bandura. [applause] >> national medal of science to albert bandura, stanford university, california, for fundamental advances in the understanding of social learning mechanisms and thinking processes in motivation and behavioral change and for the development of social cognitive theory of human action and psychological development. [applause] >> stanley falkow. [applause] >> national medal of science to stanley falkow, stanford university school of medicine, california, for his monumental contributions toward understanding how microbes cause disease and resist the effects of antibiotics and for inspiring mentorship in the field of molecular microbial pathogenesis. [applause] >> shirley ann jackson. [applause] >> national medal of science to shirley ann jackson, rensselaer polytechnic institute, new york, for her insightful work in condensed matter physics and particle physics, for her public policy achievements and for her inspiration to the next generation of professionals in the science, tec