these are the two recommendations albert camus made to the writer and they can be applied to the journalistnalist who wish to examine the situation in cuba for years after the revolution had to begin by knowledge and three -- acknowledging three undeniable facts that underlie everything that happened later. the first was the arrest in october of 1959 of commander hubert matos, one of castro's colleagues and arrested his general headquarters. he was arrested for one reason -- he wrote a letter to castro in which he expressed his disagreement with the commune -- calm youommunizing position -- it was not yet a communist one, but a commune arising position of the government. he took, he played no rebellion, he just wrote a letter to a friend who is also a chief. he was arrested and despite castro's request for a death sentence, he was sent to to 20 years in jail. i believe it is this fact that camus, where he still alive would have born in mine when he prepared those two principles. the refusal to deny what one knows and the resistance to oppression. >> in early 1960, the serious communication