costa? >> president peterson, members of the board, albert costello, architect for the owners. -- albert costa, architect for the owners. we respectfully disagree that the case should be reheard. the issues stated in their briefs were not new material. there are no new facts or circumstances that were not previously submitted in their briefs before. i have with me in front of me -- this is my folder of the briefs submitted already to you guys. there are 10 separate briefs that have been submitted to you. inside here, the issues that were raised regarding the policy to 0.3 -- policy 2.3 have been thoroughly exhausted. we rely on the interpretation of the planning department. we think the zoning administrator did an accurate job at the previous hearings. further, the issues of the easement and what was said before the not have a bearing on the requested variance. there was a lot said in the past about the owners could do this or that. there was a lot said. i do not have enough time here to go into that now. the main fact is that in terms of having a rehearing, we feel there is no new evidence. w