minister, eli cohen just returned from khartoum, where he met saddam's army chief at the fatter albert han. cohen says, an agreement will be signed once he african nation transitions to a civilian government. see don hosted the arab league meetings where members vowed not to recognize the state of israel in 967 after the 3rd arab israeli republicans in the u. s. house of representatives have voted to remove a muslim congresswoman from the chambers. foreign relations committee. democrats say ellen omar was targeted because of her identity. victoria gay to be has a story. an emotional debate. congresswoman ellen omar, a refugee from somalia, i'm one of the 1st muslim women in the us house of representatives voted off the foreign affairs committee. republicans pointed to these tweets from years ago where she criticized the pro israeli lobbying group, saying it's all about the benjamins. she later apologized. and this one where she seemed to equate atrocities carried out by the u. s. military to those committed by terrorist groups. she later said she did not mean to compare them. the republicans now