people, as albert murray said in all of his great novels and books. that is what we wanted to do.e four years that we have had on hbo has been pretty wonderful. now we leave a cultural document that kind of marks this period of time to say, this is how we survived to this, and this is what is of value to us. that is the role of art, the forum where we reflect on who we are as a people, as a community and decide what our values are. that is why we try to leave his cultural document for the people of new orleans. tavis: what do you expect folks are going to read when they read his cultural document that is "tremÉ" down the road? corruption,pite of in spite of violence, crime, that there is something of greater value that you have to fight, with all of your spirit and effort, to maintain. a lot of people wanted to give up on new orleans, to let it go. they didn't see the value of it. how many times have we heard, why are you guys living on their? you would never say that about new york. unfortunately, you were to later, it was hit by sandy, and everybody realized -- nobody called int