joining us from new york is alberto escalarte. o, you have big backers like pharrell, the founder of youtube. what is the collaborative fund? >> we are in early stage fund that focuses on feeder rounds. we try to look for companies that push the word forward. companies that can be sustainable and brands that shape culture in the future. >> one of the things that you do is that you offer more practical advice like how to pay your taxes, how to deal with insurance. our useful is that kind of information right now with some of those startups that are in completely uncharted territory? >> the role in helping with advice we had with experience with previous company. we also try to start projects that will help the whole and we start to see some of the pay points in the portfolio where we can help. insurance is one example. we started an insurance company for the shared economy called yield. we started a website last summer which tries to address tax questions for those involved in the share economy. >> speaking of a big tax question, ai