bullet war taste biggest supporters is the daughter of peruse, previous right wing dictator. alberto fuji mori, his administration saw the use of death squads to quell descent. and the genocide against indigenous peoples carried out by means of a mass forced sterilization program. did a study the get his buddies, we'd love to hear about it and i shall feel 1445 pm think it was on the sufficient in me to use a little on the sim and tuna, a less company us based in the senate for us film does he look at those immunization to cinco because on affinity? so for most peruvians, food you mores regime is still part of living memory. it should come as no surprise that once the same peruvians who supported its crimes re emerged to support the crew. the masses were ready to do whatever it takes to prevent a return to those dark days. united states wasted no time supporting this cool, reminiscent of the 2019 cool against the m. a. s. in bolivia. united states has a long history of supporting any qu, attempts against progressive and left when governments across the region. and the fact of the matter is the