let's talk to robert albertson, one of the best banking bankers and strategists i know. number one, you heard barney frank. this was a nice turn of the phrase. their bill, he says, is beth panels for too big to fail big banks. i like that. i have supported the dodd approach. i know the language may not be 100%, but the language looks pretty tight to me. the end of too big to fail bailout nation. what is your take? >> there's a lot in that bill, as you know. i think we have a problem with too big to fail. i think the perception will be we have ended it, and everyone will be happy until the next crisis. in reality, what i see in there and the powers they may or may not have to handle stock holders is not that clear cut. >> barney frank said we covered it live, they were standing in front of the west wing of the white house, the stock holders are going to be hurt, the creditors, his language is tough, when you read the fact sheet, it's tough. they're talking about bankruptcy courts. this $50 billion assessment, the deputy secretary is right and the treasury is wrong. that m