supervisor olague: albion is with you -- i have not seen any of this -- i see it come from the community and you guys providing support but i have not seen the school and family workshops for the neighborhood meetings initiated by the crn. they're usually initiated by the community. maybe down the line we can look at additional funding so you can be in -- right now you are in a response mode but i'm wondering if there is a prevention element involved? i have seen the healing circle, out and i've seen the churches and the village project and people initiating some of these meetings and workshops and what not. do you see your role ipad deep? is it something you can use more funding for? >> often what happens is that we end up working behind the scenes. a lot of times people may not know exactly what we're doing around a certain event. i know you have alluded to some of the property managers that ticket on when a couple of young men were killed. i was in that public meeting where they stated adamantly that they stated they don't do -- >> -- supervisor olague: i'm not responding to their com