. >> caller: listen, i'm asking about alcoa aluminum. >> here's the problem with alcoa.stock and they're linked with china. nobody wants them. i have to go with the crowd and say not now. let's go to jim in new york. jim. >> caller: jimmy, question for you. dvm. >> i don't know. rick moncrief just left it. it's at a 52-week low. at 33. expect oil to go down 30 bucks. i say start buying stuff. i always put it in the bullpen today for my travel trust in preparation for next wednesday's meeting. i'm holding off now because oil is so weak. let's go to alma. >> caller: hi, jim. >> yo, what's going on? >> caller: long-time listener. you've helped me out so much. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> caller: i just joined the club. >> yes. i'll see you at wednesday's meeting, 12:00. i'll tell jeff you're going to be there. the. >> caller: i'll be there. be there or be square, right? >> absolutely. >> caller: i wanted to ask you about paychex. doesn't seem like it's doing a whole lot. >> paychex reports next week. this is on hold. if the fed stops cutting rates or says, listen, we c